Me today, sharp and prickly..
Woken up far too early.. but okay.
Sometimes decisions are so difficult to make, weighing up pros and cons.. and then once made, panic sets in if the right decision was even made, and I guess the reason for the early morning wake-up!
All my life this has been the thing.. maybe I've always made the right decisions or maybe the wrong!
I missed Blogging on 22.2.22 but there we are.. won't have to be so lame on .. oh! No! That's it.. can't be a 33.3.33.. So I guess we're done, for now, on these number coincidence, 3.3.33 will have to do!
I remember 7.7.77 very well, and 8.8.88, I was on my first trip to Spain..
All the 9's.. and we were approaching the millennium.. That seems like yesterday..
But still, I won't forget 22.2.22 that's for sure..
Being a bit of a number freak is weird considering I'm crap at math!
Mm real news? Stop the rambling.. wood burner still full of embers this morning I popped one piece of olive wood on top and fire kicked off beautifully once more.. Although now I'll let it burn out.
And kidney stone #5 is in my right kidney.. had an ultrasound scan, everything else in hunky-dory! Thankfully, was actually worrying, just between you and me..
So bad pain again, he has to exit his nice warm kidney, and at 4mm... if he leaves now! It won't be an easy trip!!