Friday, November 24, 2006


cant believe i havent spoken since monday! well not not spoken, obviously that would be totally impossible for me, but you know what i mean....

but firstly i cant believe i didnt post my Happy Thanksgiving to you all! to my family and friends! apologies...

ok quicky run through.... tuesday my friend in the shop and i went to coín, she didnt know the town too well and needed a guide, so we went to a shop that is closing down so she could check out any stock etc and shop fittings, then we went to have some lunch in a bar called 'c u jimmy' scots owned... of course, had a nice jacket spud!

wednesday mate and i went down the coast, firstly to the market at la cala, good look around there, lots of holiday makers wearing shorts and vests! looking cool, and i mean cool ... now its down in the lower 20's it feels cool for us! then we went to part of the miramar complex down at las lagunas so i could get barrys christmas present! that was funny, but of course cant tell you just now, you will have to wait, by which time i will have forgotton what happened!

yesterday, friends down the road and i went into town together to take some books into a local store, and we spent about 2 hours in a bar next door having coffee!

today, just into town to meet mate, had coffee, bit cooler here today and a spot of rain, but didnt need my brolly...

but, wednesday night!!! we had a fire! we had switched on a new wall heater we got a couple of weeks ago, just testing it out really seeing how much heat it will give out when we need it, it was plugged into an extension cable, the lead only measuring 2 metres! not even enough to reach the floor never mind a socket! only then, because we have no socket in this house, well hardly, it was then in another extension lead.... i guess by now you know...(excuse the pun) where this is leading..... so, there we sat pressing this and that button on the remote for the heater when two things happened... one the fire! two the electric box tripping off! BANG!! then it was all action we both ran to the fire, a throw i have (had) on this chair flames licking up it, i pulled it off and doubled it over to suffocate them, franco got the flames on the lead out and then ran for the torch with me screaming to hurry! i was more worried about losing the telly than anything!! as you know by now, when the electric goes off in our house it takes forever to get sky channels back on! so we didnt! not till yesterday afternoon infact, and so we missed that nights episode of i'm a celebrity get me out of here! goodness me!

the cables the fire was running about all over was the first extension cable, not able to hold the voltage we now see, but it was plugged in with all my computer stuff, so it was burning about my keyboard, hub, modem, printer monitor! oh everything else here, all those cables, we were so lucky non of them were burnt, only bit sticky where the other cables started melting on them.

so we have taken a couple of things of there now and plugged in elsewhere, and we are even being more causious about the gas, we are turning the on/off valve on both the cooker and the boiler at night, and when were out during the day, not worth the risk is it, and sorry pippa, but the tv is off now when i am out during the day, she will have to sing to herself!

thank goodness it didnt happen when we were out, or mom was here alone and switched on the heater next month...

by luck, as usual todays quote fits quite well does it not!

The path to wisdom is not afraid to make mistakes...



  1. Great post marian. You know, now I'm looking at all the leads I have around this computer with circumspect...hmmm, maybe I should remove a few leads??

  2. FMN... thank you, its made me so aware yesterday when the ladies from head office came to put on the film, i straightened out the long cable, and then moaned about the state of the extension lead! all the wires were hanging out!

  3. Anonymous2:23 am

    Oh my, I'm just glad you're all ok! Whew..

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    1. Thank you Bob!
      So long ago, and glad to help, I'm so glad my grammar and composition has improved since these days! I didn't even bother to use capitals!!

      Take care
      M :-)
