Wednesday, April 04, 2007

three more, 13, 14 and 15 of china, number 15 is i think my very favorite of them all... although i am not sure, they are all so fantastic...

this one below is just so mystic and wonderous...

this is our easter card from my uncle richard, hope it works folks...

work this morning and afterwards went down to the coast, and missed seeing my old neighbor because it took me too long to get there! traffic at the la cala market caused all the problems, i have to remember not to use that road on a wednesday! instead i popped in to see franco at work and then had coffee with friends wife, then to miramar complex in fuengirola to have a quick look around, then home!

sunday we went down to gibraltor with friends, was ok, rained, but of course being gib, it nearly always rains down there, that little bit of england under a cloud at all times! got a few bits from the supermarket, hot cross buns, ummmmmm, ginger marmalada and a whole 12 cadburys cream eggs for me! for easter from franco, and i got his easter egg today!

monday at work was so busy! at last we changed over from winter to summer stock, oh denise are you reading this amiga? wish you had been there... not just to help but we had 7, yes 7 bags of baby clothes in, good as new! we could have been ooooing and arhhhhhing over every single one, we still go, oh look at this and that, tiny bits you would have wanted.... miss you mate!

anyway.... everything in the store looks better now, all bright and sunny, no more winter blues in there.... and we were open as well as moving things out into the store and money wise, was a great day, everything normal price, and people of course were still buying, and so pleased to see clothes they can wear now!

Seize every opportunity in life, because
once opportunities pass,
they take a long time to return.

er, this one above reminds me of another saying, a favorite of mine past, `i can resist everything, but temptation' :-)...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 am

    What a beautiful card your uncle sent!
    Today's Good Friday. Are they doing anything special in Alahurin? There's going to be a big service here. Everyone gets in line during the mass to kiss the crucifix, and then after the Mass, there is a procession of the dead Gesus followed by his mourning mother.It's very moving.
