Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Planes, Trains and Automobiles...

oh and trams coach and subway trains... too into the bargin.

these are the services i have used so far on my trip to england, not bad eh, its a bit late now, well gone 11 in england, so still feels like midnight to me on my body clock, tony has headed off to bed already has work in the morning, i cannot see this keyboard, dont need to for most things, but would be nice specially as its an english keyboard and now i am used to a spanish one some things are in different places, how silly!

oh and i'm so very tired now too, today tony and i went up to london, trains and subway, we went to a couple of museums, the science and the victoria and albert, we looked around a few of the shops in oxford street, and had some lunch, the weather was warm enough but was rain then sun then rain all over again, and so on and so forth! so wet then dried out just to get wet all over again...

we came home about 3pm and went out again to a local chinese for take out dinner... bit different from the chinese baz took me too in nottingham!

i arrived with barry thursday evening, he and a friend came to meet me at the airport, home and late to bed that night, friday he and i went into the city and met up with a couple of friends from where he works, a girl from thailand, and a girl from nigeria, we had lunch in a restaurant called frankie and bennys, not sure if thats spelt right, its a chain of restaurants, been gone so long i havent heard of them!

in the evening we went to barrys local chinese, bit scary it was too, some very suspect customers, a bit of a commotion going on with wrong delivery stuff too, and a girl got hit with something some kids were playing with... all in all i was glad to get back home with the food!

then saturday barry and i went into town with the lady he lodges with too, and we met up with another couple of work friends of his, and we ate in a vietnamese restaurant, really nice food, i had a soup... which was massive, layers of steak, and then the rest of the massive bowl was noodles, with the whole lot floating in a stock, with bit and pieces, and i very nearly finished it, i ate with chop sticks only, oh and a little spoon to help with the noodles and stock.

sunday morning and off to the bus station, leaving barry on his birthday... and travelling south, tony met me in milton keynes and we came home, via a local supermarket, dinner... my lasagne, of course, tony misses it....

ok too tired now, goodness knows if i am spelling anything right here at all, so apologies if its worse than normal amigos.



  1. Your blog is very interesting.
    Bye bye

  2. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Sounds wonderful! I'm so glad you got to spend time with Barry.

  3. Anonymous5:52 pm

    You do get around girl when your away, don't you!
    Glad for you that your having a great trip and c atching up with everyone again.
    Andy. xx
