Saturday, July 07, 2007

Seventh of the seventh 'oh seven

all the sevens... i remember so well the 7.7.77 i was still 17, and just before my 18th...

my friend sue and i had our holiday to torquay booked for the week of our birthdays i was receptionist for the welcome foundation ltd in berkhamsted, in the days of the old telex machines with the tic a tape that ran through them...

who could even imagine i would be 30 years later living here in spain? and all the life inbetween...

ok ok nuff of that!

today have just chilled out if that is possible in this heat! after mercadona man delivered and i had packed everything away in its place, i went into town and had a coffee with friends and then home!

did a bit of self tuition on this new windows vista we have now, the book, windows vista for dummies is good (says a lot that does doesnt it!) and so hopefully bit by bit all become clear, i suppose had i moved up through windows xp, 2000 or whatever it wouldnt be so bad, but i have gone from '98 to vista, and that is one heck of a fast track!

tomorrow just the market i think, not sure how long thats going to be on for now, lots of different rumors around town, so will find out tomorrow.

Everyone has a treasure that is waiting just for him...



  1. Anonymous11:52 am

    I admit...I'm a bit ocnfused; first time here, but it looks like an interesting blog; i'll back soon trying tomake some more order in my mind and fallow your blogging...
    ciao from Rome

  2. Anonymous12:07 pm

    It must have been the reference to Mercadona man...(btw mazzie, you've got to post apicture of him!)
    Oh,br freddie , don't worry, you will catch on soon. Marian is what we call in Italy "argento vivo" (quicksilver?) She is a whirlwindy type, and lots of fun. I met her last year during Paulo Coelho's pilgrimage blog, and was one of my first contacts in the blogosphere. Some things are written in the stars...

  3. oh pia... lol, thank you, agento vivo! i like that, and yes is me to a T... um, english phrase that, just checked google says 'we use this expression very commonly in the sense of minute exactness'... ¡perfecto!

    freddie... thank you for reading, i have visited your blog to... via pia! think of my strange conversations here as that of something overheard at a nearby table where friends are talking and chattering about everything and nothing! so please come back and listen in again.

