Friday, August 24, 2007


sorry about the photo above not too good and `borrowed' from the sur in english, thank you sirs! when franco came home early from work due to the months rain in 20 minutes this is what he was in! amazing isnt it, its says here.... "more than 40 litres per square metre pouring down in the space of an hour.... very unusual for august" well this could be because franco´s sister is out this weekend, and more often than not it rains when she is here! oh maria!!

and this little darling above came into the shop the other day, i have heard of chicken in a basket, but never puppy in a basket! how sweet...

been a long busy week, just heard my friend hasnt received any of my emails while she is away in canada, and is wondering if everything is ok!

of course of course.... por supuesto amiga...

Only one thing makes a dream impossible,
the fear of failure...



  1. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Wow! I hope it rains here some day soon. Everything is on fire again, there were 3 deaths in Sicily yesterday and another in Calabria today. Greece is literally ablaze, I believe 16 people have died in the past couple of days.

    In the meantime, in Alhaurin el grande, a little curly haired Anglo-American has been sighted, hanging on to a life saving device as she comes sweeping down the hills to Malaga! Somebody had better catch her before she goes out to sea!

  2. i love this.... i can just see me in my life jacket i wore up the lakes Pia! holding onto pippa, by her ears! sorry pip! we still have no rain inland though, i saw on tv the rain in venice this morning, it looked lovely and cool and refreshing.

    how is your rain when it hasnt rained for a while? here it is always dirty for the first few down pours, reddy brown dirt! the cars get filthy!

    actually will copy this to your blog too, as you may not see it here and i am just rambling to myself... erm!
    love mxx
