Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rain? Nope it was just kidding!

above photo... ronda

well we still have no stamps in alhaurín... do you believe this, how can a post office have no stamps, i guess by now no where in town has them as we are seeing people we dont normally see in the shop hunting them down!

above photo restaurant in ronda!

today we were ladies that lunch back in the vinateca again in c/gerald brennan, had gambas pil pil, salmon main course and chocolate desert, very nice, it can be a bit slow in there sometimes and by the time we finish eating its usually about 430! so more an early dinner than a late lunch, i think!?! we were about about 20 or so today and always sit in a long table at the bottom of the restaurant, i think they like to keep us hidden out of the way! we dont make any trouble... honest!

mi amiga is back in the shop now, thank goodness, although she was away this morning restocking our card supply which was looking a bit sad, well we are all full up now, just a bit of stationary etc to do now to get our shelves back on track.

oh... we had a bit of rain last night! well a few drops, thought it was going to pour down but even a towel out the back didnt get damp! there was some thunder and lightening coming over from the direction of marbella... today has been a bit cloudy but up until this evening wasnt too bad, now it looks like we could get some real rain... its forcast so we shall see...

Courage is the great virtue
of those who seek the spiritual path.
The Valkyries



  1. We had the same weather here today, too! I hope the temp has cooled off at least over there. here it's actually quite comfortable now, thank goodness.
    We'll be starting the grape harvest soon. They say it will be a great year for wine because we had no rain, tho' the quantity will be less.

    Isn't that the same restaurant you and Franco have been to a couple of times recently? It looks so quaint!

  2. Pia... still hot and sticky, at the moment its nearly 7pm and we have both ceiling fans going crazy down here, i know its weird in this heat, but i want to wrap up in a cosy sweater with my jeans on snuggle up in the duvet, thats the thing with being hot for so long, its nice to be cool, but to be able to get warm... well until its too cold then you just cant! LOL
    take care,
    love mxx

  3. Anonymous9:12 pm

    spain looks so great, hope I'll be there some day...
    ciao from Rome
