Monday, October 01, 2007

i came on here to write about my weekend, but first visited a friends blog, i came across this Baghdad Burning...I´ll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend if you read no more than thursday september 06, 2007, thats ok, but read it please...

and now my weekend seems a little 'nothing' really, how oblivious we are to the world around us, caught up in own small worlds except when we choose to look out side of ourselves.

for a moment.

The road to Santiago
is the road of ordinary people.
The Pilgrimage



  1. Anonymous8:15 pm

    So glad you picked up on this Marian. I've been reading her blog for a couple of years, and I have always been so touched by her story.

  2. Anonymous3:25 am

    Which is why we need to visit you, too, Marian. Your bubbly joy is solace in a world gone mad.

  3. pia... i was touched too, very thought prevoking. yesterday i only read the one day, and it left me feeling very emotional...

    justme... thank you... :-)

  4. Anonymous12:07 am

    Echoing just me!
