Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Driving regulations...

not sure how many of you have noticed the new driving laws aqui en españa?
from the paper on monday...

the guardia civil arrested 275 drivers in the first five days since the reform of the civil code which penalises traffic infractions came into force at midnight on december 1st. the vast majority, 267 were over the limit when breathalysed and the other eight had been over the speed limit. the first man who was detained in tarragona for speeding just after midnight on december 2nd claimed he was on his way to visit a relative who had been taken to hospital.

five days later, a judge sentenced him to 20 days community work, a fine of 720 euros and an eight-month ban on driving. drink-driving and speeding are responsible for most of the road deaths in spain - so if you drive don't drink, and keep your eye on the speedomoter.

so folks lets be careful out there...


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