Sunday, February 10, 2008


this was the view from our terrace one morning last week...

the world ended on calle nueva... no more guadalhorce valley... nada! a friend down on the coast where i took the photo below was saying some friends were arriving on this day and had to divert to seville, but they couldnt understand why, as there was no fog down there! so now she can understand... just look at it!

above el zolco... the furniture that burnt down, what two years now? mas or menos, they are just doing it now and it looks pretty good from up here, but round at the front still much the same, all the scaffolding still suporting the building above...

friday... i went to have an intolerance test done, to find out exactly what has been causing my rash... it was enlightening to say the least, mostly i dont have too many problems with what i eat, and all my vitamins and minerals were perfecto... but the main cause seems to be the sugar i eat! and i dont mean in sweets only, also the foods i eat, things you would'nt necessarily imagine give you sugar rush when eaten, but think about how those potatoes make alcohol? schnaps.... yes the sugar, and wheat... yes of course, not a wheat intolerance which was my original thought, and no gluten problem, i also have to miss out on fruit and any products containing fruits which turn to sugar every single one.. so its all the sugar my body has been turning into yeast in my lil tummy and causing these problems... so i will do as the man says, follow my six month plan of leaving all the sugary things out, then reintroduce them, but carefully and slowly... not yohurts or of course marmite, which is just pure yeast... the leftovers from the beer makers machinery...

i also have a few things my body just did not want at all, some herbs... my italian grandparents will not be happy hearing this, if theyre looking down at me that is... but rosemary, basil and parsley are to be avoided as much as i can, as is cinnamon! my favorite... i even add that to my lasagne!

and would you believe the thing thats the worst... that my body is saying it really does not want and i have been putting into my mouth, direct access to blood stream in there, and i have been doing it twice a day all of my life, yes thats a long time i know, its mint... in the toothpaste and chewing gum of course, so i going to have to change this slowly over the next few weeks to a non mint product and no more minty gum, although i used to have cinnamon gum too... ahha, no more. now i cant just stop with all of the above things, expecially the mint, it would be like no coffee kick back of headaches you get when stopping suddenly, or coming off a strong drug you have been taking for over 40 years.... so i will be doing the stopping carefully... and i will be letting you know, of course, how i get on with all this, i think the worst thing will be no chocolate for six months.... i have gone for days or even a week without it, but its the not being allowed something that does it for me, i have never been know to do as i am told!

the link below and to the right is for Gerard Kielty i saw on friday for the intolerance test, its not an allergy test, him and his wife are such a lovely couple, so welcoming and made me feel right at home, feeding me too as my stomach started rumbling... really lovely people... the name is Health Scan,.....

lots more to tell you but enough for today... so hasta manaƱa amigos....

The third indication that our dreams are dead is peace...
The Pilgrimage



  1. So how did the health scan\netscan go? Legit?

  2. Hi... Yes it was good, i learnt that i dont really have any food intolerances, at the moment! A few herbal ones, like mint, rosemary and another[?] been couple years now! Just have to be careful not to over do with the herbs, he said it could be my Fibromyalgia, as in my body is fighting everything with thatand added herbs that heal into the equation does not help.

    But through this test I found i was over doing sugar, not just sweets, but potatoes, pasta, rice, all the foods that makes sugar and turn it into alcohol! i was making my own in my stomach!

    I lost 7lbs in weight the first week i stopped with all those foods above! and felt a lot better, no more bloating!

    so maybe i have a gluten problem?

    even now, i keep those foods far and few between.

