Thursday, May 01, 2008

have been up on the terrace trying to get a last bit of sun before tomorrow and trip to england, but have been forced back inside!!

well only for a while... this morning bright and early the rockets were going off from our vera cruz and i think the purple church also! so many so fast, the initial phew'ish noise that pippa recognises before us! then also the sound of car horns blaring loudly... we were up by about 8am i think, on this May Day holiday.

and now its going on louder and in more earnest, a rocket every few seconds and as this morning right over our heads... horns and whistles blowing frantically all over this area! i was up stairs reading but its too noisy now, you can feel the bang of the rockets vibrating in your feet! i think our windows are rattling, and lil pip is hiding away under the table here, my poor little baby.

i am all packed now and ready to go... yesterday we did our good turn for the day and receive it back tomorrow with a free lift to malaga airport, i dont mind flying, in fact i love flying, but its the bit in front, the lining up and checking in, then the hanging around, especially on my own before the flight and worrying over getting on an easy jet when i am flying monarch! well i did wait in the wrong area with the wrong crowd once, i realised before boarding but.... still.... there it is!

no photos today, i should never promise what i cant guarantee to deliver...

well amigos, hopefully will be back with you on monday, from st albans, england, tonys pad! have a good weekend all and take care...

The best way to serve God
is by going in search of your own dreams.
Only the happy can spread happiness.
By the River Piedra
I sat down and wept


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