Saturday, September 20, 2008

this week went so fast... 15 down six to go....

we had rain this week, one morning quite a bit and a guy in the store said why so much fuss about a drop of rain and the umbrella being borrowed.. you should be in England don't you remember what rain is? well apart from he only saw a drop here, he wouldn't like to be here when it really lets go and with no guttering and little street drainage, i think once the cars started floating about and he was getting wet from both ends he may reconsider... any way as usual i have gone off the conversation... the rain had since dried and umbrella being returned i asked him to look at the cars in the street and see how dirty they all were, he said yes he could see this, and i said that's what the umbrella is all about, the first few rain falls are filthy here so more to keep clean than the worry of getting a little damp!

then there was this really rude man he wouldn't talk to the girls and kept on talking to me and i had to relay the conversation... in English... to them... and then he came back the next day and we had to do it all over again!

Monday was an especially bad day, in the morning i dropped my mobile phone down the loo! oops! no alarm to wake me on the beach, no signal, no anything! and i also had forgotten my purse, so no money if i had needed some in an emergency like a phone call or something! the hamaka man on the beach said i could pay Tuesday, although he didn't want Mondays money when it came to it, and the kiosk man who i hadn't bought my tube of sweets from on Monday said i could still have had them and paid later... an angel in my midst...

also on Monday a couple i had seen in the other shop the week before and this one in the morning came back in, the man, led me down the end of the display asking me questions and i saw out of the corner of my eye the wife come in through the barriers with some thing in her arms, a rug or towel, not sure... then he left and she had gone... i write down the amount and types of 'our' cigarettes that are bought and noticed straight away five were gone and looked to the people in the lines to see who had them and to offer a gift, well none had them, i went out and the couple had rushed off down the street, well it looks like i had been used as a distraction and the shop was robbed... but too late with them gone... although i would remember them, they're baby girl had the most enormous big grown up gold earrings on..

i also nearly lost the car key in the sand another day, lifting my towel the key went flying and i could only just see it! that would have been great wouldn't it!

the day it rained i took my siesta with the manager of the store, she took me to her mom's place in Malaga for lunch, first course meat with potatoes, second fish with vegetables and for desert prickly pears, grapes and fresh figs... wonderful, we got to put our feet up in front of the tv for half hour afterwards before going back to work! her mom was lovely and invited me to visit anytime her daughter came for lunch... very sweet.

and that day also one of the other girls thought i might get home sooner if i took another road... so... she drove all the way to Churriana with me following, well a guy was in between us, but i could still see her even in the dark... and then she drove back to Torremolinos! its a good route, would have been better in july and august with all the people driving so slowly and randomly along the paseo, i came home that way last night too, it took 8 minutes from the shop near the paseo to the Churriana round about! not bad eh!

first thing this morning i went to check out the office where we have to pay the car tax, we didn't get a normal bill type thing to pay, don't know whose mail box that went to but not ours, although they found it ok with this one which is more money! the office opens at 9am and closes at 1.30pm Monday to Friday only, so not sure how we will pay this as neither of us are any where near Alhaurín at these times, the same for the car insurance that needs paying!?! help? i replaced my mobile phone with another in the vodafone shop using my points, so now i have a new phone which is all confusing for a while! and wanted to get some cash out from our bank but the machine was broken, again, this happens a lot and then we have to pay 2 or 3€ for a transaction in another bank, there are no other machines in the town that do not charge, one bank was over 4€, daylight robbery eh! and i am not sure how you would get any money back if you complained!

then Franco and i went to Ikea and then to the huge Carrefour in Malaga, massive isn't the word! also we spent far to much which is normal in a new shop with so many new things, there are lots of shops around the supermarket and places to eat, we paid 4€50c for two coffee's and a big piece of apple pie! not bad, some places would charge 4€ for the cake alone!... the site was a bit confusing getting to it, the normal road exit was shut so we just followed our noises and the same to get out again...

ok... all blogged out folks...

Courage. By beginning the journey with that word
and continuing with faith in God,
you will arrive wherever you need to arrive.
Manual of the Warrior of Light


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