Sunday, October 19, 2008

its late on Sunday... first time i have even turned on my computer this weekend... un like me... the photos firstly... above and below very blurred i am sorry to say, and this windows vista does not seem to have the same facility as our old windows to help un blurr! but i think you can just make out the street that turned into a river on Tuesday morning past!

i had on a pair of wellington boots... yes really! but walking up this steep hill to our car the water came in over the top! and my friend didn't like the idea of me driving in this torrent and she said that it would stop in a half hour although i was adamant, that was until i started the car and the warning lights wouldn't go out and i didn't want to drive all the way to torremolinos with them flashing! so we stood on the doorstep watching this rain and the river road, had coffee and it stopped raining! oh the lights worked again ok when i tried again too!?

this is the view from where i park the car at work every other week, i have zoomed in of course... but that looks quite pretty doesn't it, looks like a small castle on top of the hill there....

and, above Friday, bit different from Tuesday eh! but thats what its like here, just cos it rains like crazy one day, or even morning, does not mean it wont be hot and dry later! and also Friday was probably the last day on the beach for me as this week coming i only have the one hour break and i think even less the week after, my last! cant believe, and after the week i have had this past, still not certain i will make it!

Wednesday woke up with bad neck and head, i wish my fibromyalgia could have picked a different worse joint to be, not my neck, hip or foot or elbow, why my neck, if my necks get bad i get a bad head ache.. so i took after my usual anti inflammatory a strong ish pain killer, but only one, an hour and half later, and outside work, i took another... i used to back in the UK take the full quote of paracetamol every day, of 2 every four hours, and that was for years to keep the pain level down, and the doctor said it was ok, checked out my bits and pieces every year to make sure i wasn't destroying anything inside! so taking another seems ok to me... anyway, i struggled through the morning and at break, after lunch took a migraine tablet... now i really am not sure what happened next or why, but the head ache went, in fact quite quickly, but then i felt very ill, and had an awful pain kind of high up in my stomach, almost under my ribs really, i went back into work at 4.30, and keeping details outta here for the weak stomachs among you... things did not turn out well and had to leave my post a couple of times, until i decided i had to try and get home, not a great prospect a 40 minute drive on a good day when your stomach is turning over and over, and it wasn't a good drive, i was ill again before i even got the engine started and it was just like my London courier driving days of migraine Thursdays and being ill while i drove! ok sorry folks... anyway i did get home in a bit of a sorry state and went to bed.

Thursday i couldn't go into work i was just sick all day, and the pain was/is excruciating, but hey, no headache!?! and although i went into work Friday i still have this awful pain when i take my tablets and eat, so i didn't eat much at all on Friday and am just eating little bits when i can.

yesterday, Saturday i had to make myself get in the car and go food shopping, i only got a bit, but really did not want to go out in case i was sick again, it was only the strange thought that this could be a trigger for some people to become agoraphobic, not me, but you could see how something like this could do it, fear of something happening outside, and then just not risking it again! and so, after shopping in Coín and unloading my purchases, i then took just a small walk into town and home, didn't even made bar rosa (still closed!).

today, washed the car and Pippa had a good walk around the trocha market, it was quite late when we got there and too many people for her, my poor baby was so nervous walking around, couldn't even see her tail. and we some lots friends... then home again.

and really today i havent done much at all, just watched tv and tried not to think about the pain in my stomach, or wherever it is! and thats it, have to wait now to have my dinner, Franco is eating his i have a tablet to take half hour before dinner and didnt time things right...

At every moment of our lives,
we have one foot in a fairy tale
and the other in the abyss.
Eleven Minutes


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