Friday, February 06, 2009

i bet your fed up with seeing the same, or similar photos of our street! well we are too! once again is pretty difficult to get out of the front door again today... remembering we don't have a back door and only a shear face to climb out the back... on good days only!

they're now digging the movable hole to the right of our house for the new pipe work, and the earth piled up under our window and the house next door, the work men passing are above the top of
our window which Pippa really loves.... NOT!

we should have had someone here yesterday to do some work, they phoned the night before... tomorrow, 11am... great! we are having new windows and persianas combined... so up early and down with the old roll up blinds, wet and muddy from the front of the house, couldn't believe how much colder the house is without even them! moved lots of other things out of the way to make things easier...
anyway, you can guess they didn't come, so about 5pm i put the front two back up, almost losing the huge bedroom persiana over the balcony onto the street below! heavy and wet from being up on the roof in the rain all day, slippery has heck and trying to get the hooks lined up was a nightmare!

i began to think i had misunderstood the phone call, you know with maƱana being both 'tomorrow' and 'morning', i thought maybe she said Friday and not Thursday although i had repeated Thursday a couple of times and she agreed! so then i decided must be me, got it wrong!

then in the evening she called again and said, ok tomorrow now, Friday at 9am, i said ok 9am and she said NO, 11am! so i said, ok 11am and then a guy shouted at her and she said no no 9am! so i said 9am ok!

you want to hear the latest? well took the old blinds down again this morning, front one string broke so that made it a lot harder for me to get down... its now nearly 11am and of course they didn't arrive at 9am and i am not holding out much hope for the 11 o'clock option! i know the street is not at its best, but i am sure they can get through like a few hardy neighbors and the work men of course! in fact just seen a double length buggy with two babies inside being carried by a couple of the men with mom and toddler following, over our little hillock by the window... memo to self, must plant some daffodil's in there later will look soooooo lovely blooming by our window! humph!

and i suppose its a good thing i am on a break from work! or yesterday would have been a complete waste and today not better so far... i suppose a bonus is its not raining!

found a great quote for today... don't actually think this is the reality of our problem here though!

Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.
Evelyn Waugh


p.s. its 11.07am!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:15 pm

    HA! marian, are you sure you're not living in Italy??
