Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ok i know you were wondering how the street was coming on... so first pic is how the step to our house was last Friday! this was what the men warned me about, and then when i got home it was much much deeper and a bit of a leap into our house!

at least the neighbor had a gantry to walk over!

the rest of the photos are self explanatory except the one of the street market... this was Saturday morning when i went into town
and there was this market down calle Real! i was going to take some photos from the bottom end of the street on calle de san Sebastián, but there was lots of other people taking photos and a film crew! our little village must be on TV lots, we must see these film crews once every ten days or so!

now to the electric! did i mention how now we are being sent monthly bills instead of every other month? January was guesstamate and then this month is a reading. well we are hearing
so many horror stories, i keep checking our account to see if its come into there, or rather come out. we never get the bill first. likewise the phone bill, although i had to go into the bank again yesterday to say it hadn't been paid after they changed our account to here from Fuengirola and promised to sort out the direct debits... they hadn't! so we got a bill saying it hadn't been paid and to do so.

anyway, as i was saying electric! so many people are getting bills now for say 600€ when normally only 125€, or 500€ when
normally 200€, everyone is talking about it, and how to find the money to pay them! the government has put in the papers this is illegal and should be repaid... but we know people who have gone into the offices and only get a shrug and nothing doing! what are we supposed to do?

we do not have our own power supply in Spain, it all comes from France, although the wind farms are multiplying its not enough to fuel this country yet! so its very expensive.

the electricity is also, apparently charged by the size of the property and power made available to you on a sliding scale, for instance an apartment or small house would be about 3.5 kilowatts, and a big house or villa would be 7.5 kilowatts, so even if your not there it will still be quite expensive in a big property. and if you have a business address to your home you will have an extra 80€ on your bill before you even start!

what to do? well Franco has an idea!?! in the papers recently they talked of some tramps living in Malaga airport, its not illegal, so how about we all move into Malaga airport for a few days, kids, pets, cases etc, just as long as we're quiet and not having a party... what can they do, a silent demonstration eh? just name the date.... and we will see you all there!

Few can foresee whither their road will lead them, till they come to its end.
J.R.R. Tolkien


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