Monday, May 25, 2009

took this from the car as we were passing through Yunquera on our way to Ronda the other day...

this was fun... we caught up quite quick just after the Rio Grande on our way to El Chorro with this band of wagons...

people were over taking at every chance, of which there were few!

shame about this pic, my camera focused on the parabrisa, (windscreen) instead of the view ahead... the people in the back of the wagon, open and like a little balcon, were having breakfast and getting dressed, the man on the left was brushing his teeth and using bottled water hanging over the back just after this shot!

the weather was cloudy on the way up but was sunny by the time we got there! which was twice the time as usual with this lot... wonder where they were going? and we saw a lone wagon, by the way they were all being towed by tractors... anyway, saw another this morning on the high road above Mijas Pueblo... was he lost of what!!!

and finally there was so much water the tree above was covered all the way to the branches!


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