Monday, July 20, 2009

well all quiet this week so far... dinner half ready for return of Franco, he is using new road (track) and bit worrying as to if he will make it home! at least its light and dry! did you check out the video i took the other day... my YouTube in MaCarmela77, i think you can check it out that way, just go to YouTube and put in my name and there are all the most weird videos i have ever done! uuuummmm! not sure if you can see the videos i have checked out from 'outside' so to speak, just listening to a few of the music ones while i am writing and feel what an eclectic bunch they are!

Mom is doing ok in hospital, if you can do ok! when we spoke earlier she said it was like a bit of a holiday! the food is great! the staff all lovely! making friends of the other 'visiting in mates'! (my words there!) all the facilities are great! she only asked for a few things for Tony to bring, a small red cross package of toiletries though only...

early trip into town this morning under a bit of cloud, not rain, just heat! few things to do and get, another euro direct card... Moms phone in the hospital is a mobile type thing, wasn't working properly yesterday.... turns out it was Mom, bless her!


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