Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ooops Thursday already, wha'ts happened to the week so far?

well its got cooler, just a tad, one of the little bubble things has risen in our Galileo thermometer down stairs! and taking Pippa for a walk the last couple of mornings i have had to put on a light weight cardie! i know! how awful!

and yesterday morning we were on the approach road to the park and the lights in the street went out! it had been pouring the night before, first lot of rain i have seen since April, so not bad, i still cant get over only seeing a light drivel (sorry drizzle!) of rain when i was in England, i know it poured one evening, but i wasn't out side so missed it! anyway i am digressing as usual.... so it rained here the evening before last! cleared the air and cleaned the terrace!

was dry when Pip and i were out yesterday morning, and i thought the whole of the streets electric had gone out... ok back to where i wanted to be now! but at the park the lights were on again, which was good, it was pitch dark and much earlier than normal for us to be out walking... and then as we turned into our street... lights out! and when the lights are out its darker than dark here... no light bleed from anywhere and it doesn't even feel as though your eyes are open!

we had seen two men turn the corner ahead of us, Pippa was pulling on the lead towards them... all i could see were the shadows really and that they kept turning around... wary of Pippa(!), we got to the door then i heard a noise and there was another guy behind us, so i told Pip to wait then we went in... nightmare!

so! we went down to the money shop in town and changed the 40£ for 42.30cents yeah! anyway cant complain money is money.

mostly because the man Franco was working for is out of the window now (!) its nice to know the money you should have earned for the past 8 months has gone to a better cause! still as they say what goes around comes around and the problems he has now he has brought on himself, but that's of no help to us...

today we thought we might go to the tax office, a letter came for me to be signed for, but was gone from the post office when i went to claim it, now another letter has come possibly from the same office! but not signed for?? Álora seems like a long way to go for no reason... so we will see which way the wind blows us....

Franco came home with a gift for me, he's not sure if its from his Mom or his Son! so must find out who to thank! its a new mobile phone a little pink LG Cookie! that's its name! so lots to do on that, whenever you get a new phone so much to work out, its an MP3 player, but cant yet work out how to download music on to it!gave up at 10:30 last night! i can write a text message with a pen on the screen! cool! but its all by touch pad, which i'm not used to and its slowing my text messaging speed down no end! my thumb moves so fast its a blur!

when i went to pick up Franco from the airport i think someone was confused about the *puerto* part of aeropuerto bit... as a car i was passing by as i entered the car park lane was a big 4x4 towing a 15' or 20' boat!!!! they were headed for the departures area lane???

ok amigos, enough for now... i can make notes on my new phone so if i am out i can jot down stuff to tell... only i did have this facility on my other phone too, and didn't! although this seems for accessible... so maybe...



  1. Anonymous10:07 am

    Hi Marian

    Did you mention to Pat that we were also in Bogarts that Christmas Day a few years ago.
    She may not remember but Kim would she knows we had a apt in Gran Calahonda also I went to see her when I went to Calahonda last year and told her why she hadnt seen us


  2. Hi Chrissie, yes i did, but Pat said if she saw you she knows she would know you then, and said she would mention to Kim and Mark when theyre back home... will let you know! but she got goose bumps and said what a small world it is.

    did you know Kim and Mark also have the restaurant at the Atlantico now too, further up the strip...

    hope your good, take care, lovemxx
