Thursday, April 29, 2010

ok Thursday today, not live, still at apartment, its just 9am, Franco had to get the bus to work this morning, we drove down to Fuengirola yesterday earlier than this, took the car to the garage, and are spending the next few days with crossed fingers and toes! awkward but we don't have Mom this year... last year i had to giggle, Mom lit a candle the day of our ITV (MOT), she kept it burning all day... and it worked, the car passed! miracle, and will be more so this year, not sure whats holding it together except the plastic ties!

the garage was a way from town, a long way, near but further than the new Aldi store, so a long walk back, we stopped for coffee in the garden centre Mom and i used to go into all the time..we had a coffee in there too... then kept to the shade despite lots of water on the road from some guys hosing it down! popped into a paint store to see what paint we are going to use at home to keep the mold out! we found some good stuff, so when we can, we will!

next junction was the N340 roundabout and down past Día etc, we did a left in the centre there after going into a chinese bazar, so much stuff! so cheap, you could go in there every week and spend hardly anything but change everything! you would have to do so every week because no doubt a week would be all it would last though! but bright and shiny things all round!

we came out onto the Av. De Mijas, the panederia Mom and i went in, also, all the time has changed again, it has a new open bit at the back which looks nice, like an indoor courtyard, and a brand new bar on the right, very nice...

from there we did a quick tour of the indoors, upstairs market, very famous and very popular, not very cheap though? at this point i was fit to drop, don't know how i made it that far, so we had a pit stop in the bar downstairs tea for me this time! it came in a pot of two cups, phew... at this point i realised all i was doing was remembering Mom there at every corner, i did before, but worse now, at least before i would tell Mom where and what etc...

so a bit more of a look round and off onto the bus, luckily this time it was at the stop and we got the tickets and boarded... off at Calahonda and on our way back we bumped into an old work mate of Francos so stopped off for a drink.. a mug of tea for me! you can imagine i was fit to burst, one coffee and three teas!!!!

i must say now before i forget, what is this noise down here? its like thunder under the sea, a booming noise.. yesterday it went on all afternoon and into the night, when you could also then feel the thundery noise through your feet too, and now this morning, its just started again... its definitely out to sea, sounds like thunder a long way away, but its not that! every 2 or 3 minutes sometimes....

i dont know if the Q10 is working yet on my blood pressure but it maybe on my teeth! the pain is almost gone! my gums have turned pink now instead of a vivid red! and they just look so much better! coincidence? could be, but i don't care, at last i can eat again, and sleep better, i have enough problems sleeping without the added pain of toothache, or gum ache! yesterday evening we even had steak and salad! not huge chunks but steak non the less! it was cheaper than the pork???

the ex furniture shop in El Zoco that unfortunately got burned down a couple of years ago is all set to reopen now, though not as a furniture shop, but as a bar, two storey, its glass on three sides so not sure how people will feel in there on a sunny day... well that's most days...

now i did do a video the other evening, but couldn't download it on here... so will try again when i am on line!

heck i hate downloading things on here, especially without confirmation that its ok to do so from higher up! couldn't do the video again it said to download something, so i downloaded Quicktime, but that wasn't enough it then said i needed to download a codec or something like that, so done it, fingers crossed you lot, remember i already have mine crossed for the cars ITV!

here goes nothing... and nothing it is, still says i need to download a codec!

something on tv this morning about stalking... i am being stalked by a bird! a little sparrow! when i was here on tuesday in the small and narrow gap between this and the edge of the table fell a bird dropping!that gap is small and just missed my hair! i looked up and there it was perched up on the tiles above my head and seemed to be cheekily looking down! today, i was sat here doing this and plop! i was only here five minutes and down came the poop! same place, same gap, then i just now looked over a sparrow flew over my head and landed on the chair to my right, looked at me and pooped!!!!

Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
All things change, and we change with them.
Roman proverb



  1. Anonymous1:09 pm

    I m praying that the car passes MOT.Fingers crossed all day.


  2. Thank you Maria, i even have my eyes crossed now! >< !!!!! lovemxx
