Thursday, April 15, 2010

ok... thursday already eh! just went to pay the telephone bill, you know the one that telefonica didn't take the money from the correct account from... well couldn't pay it... i need to take in the bill they will send when they find they couldn't get the money from a bank account....

also today i am writing *live* yea eh! in side the sports bar, well the other side from the machines, its like the bar from Friends in here, lots of sofas, music, tvs on the walls, Gunta at the bar and Phoebe playing her guitar... erm ok... maybe not the last couple of things eh! although the other two people in here on their lap tops are smoking like chimneys!!

in side por que the weather is not great, we have had a few spits and spots the last few days and last night it was BIG rain, and lots of it, down here at the coast anyway, so i dont know about in land.. its been humid all week, tuesday i got the bus down to Fuengirola and had coffee with a friend, was freezing... i first couldn't get out of the urbanisation we had a power cut and forgot the gates wouldn't work without it! doh! tried other gate as the gardener seems to hang about up there more...nope! then to the garden gate and someone else was coming out, he locked it after us and i hoped the electric would be back on when i got home!

... getting back ache writing here, sofa higher than table, cant put it on my lap though as sofa so deep and back so low... heck! must be quick...

anyway, in town, was cold, had to run something to lawyers first, that warmed me up, and then friend gave me denim jacket to wear, and to keep! that was nice... we had a couple of coffees at Luiz bar on the paseo, we must have been a strange couple... well not strange... unusual to others... me dark haired and speaking a mix of ... well spanglish.... and her, hair long and plaited blonde as blonde speaking english with an Hungarian accent and spanish, i guess the same! we had a great morning, good to be out and about and talking, yes me talking? i know how strange...

then yesterday the same! different friend and no bus ride though, friend who used to live in Alhaurin and moved down to the coast a couple of years ago now... we met up in Los Olivos cafe, i was looking over at Gran Calahonda Crissie... thinking of you....

had a couple of hours in there with her and her little'un Charlie, i will always remember the exact time i knew he was born... Mom and i were in Woburn Abbey, two years ago May, and i got the text through, not immediately of course! but quite soon after he was born! so another good chat! we walked back together till my bridge!

i was exhausted after tuesday trip though, missed my bus there because of being kept prisoner! and just missed the bus back and had to wait an hour for the one back to Calahonda... and coming back i was second at the stop in town, you buy the ticket then wait for bus, by the time the bus came it was a full load, standing up for the last of the boarders, same on the way there actually, when the doors opened i just joined the line from where i was, i was waiting for someone to say something to me... in fact i was hoping someone would... yes i was in a mood by then!

got home and just fell in a heap on the sofa, then took Pip out and fell in a heap again after that, and just stayed like it for next few hours... this morning i had trouble getting up, could have just stayed there forever, not necessarily asleep just couldn't move! made myself get up Franco went off, i had to drag myself to get breakfast, and the same to take Pip out again so i could come up here without her... so humid hurts to walk or move or sit or anything, at least the pain in my jaws seems to be a bit better now, specially after all the talking this week, thank goodness for medicine! i seem to be grinding my teeth all the time, the sound wakes me up, if i have got to sleep! and during the day i am doing it too, not sure if i did it before but i am clenching my teeth together and it hurts and i cant stop... and now, just now, i have hiccups! g r e a t!

news this morning about the volcano in Iceland and the closed airports in the UK, makes me think of the snow and the problem i had in coming back to the UK in early January... nightmare...

met up with a boxer dog, and his owner on the beach path other afternoon, the man said, as i was holding Pippa back, was she ok, i said yes, just nervous, then she proceeded to go for his dog! oh Pippa.... and the stuff she tries to eat on the beach, dead fish, and flotsam and jetsam, disgusting animal!

worrying too about the house, more rain, more damp.... ok, better get cracking now, don't have the luxury of being able to take my time, and having trouble remembering things i wanted to tell you...

...oh one thing, Mom said i had to find my relatives in Brazil... how shall i do this! tried the internet and looked for sites for people who emigrated there back in the early 1900's... maybe if i just say Brazil in bold a few times more, or Philip Nelson born in Liverpool, moved as a baby to Crouch End, London... emigrated with his brother Charles Nelson his descendants might, one day come across this and answer me! they moved to Santos, Sao Paulo....

Mom made me promise to find him, or his family at least, but i wonder if they even stayed in Brazil or if they moved on, to the states, where my grandparents had gone already... oh and the name Nelson in Brazil is a first name also, and there are many, shall we say! Also why the beautiful photo of Rio de Janeiro, I think that means river of January doesn't it...

ok amigos... time to fly.... have a bit of a surf... on here folks, steady now, that's as near as i get to surfing...


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