Monday, May 24, 2010

photo above sort of borrowed, a photo of a friends photo... the one above is quite evidently for my Mom, and the one below is how i imagine the fire escape to look like in Moms reoccurring dream...

i wonder if she found her man there, the one she often dreamed of, over the years both of them getting older, he in dream land, her here...

this photo below is a photo i actually took by mistake, but looks cool! it Maria's string... nets? what are they called, they're not really net curtains are they? we have them at home too, anyway, they keep your privacy in and the flys out!

on Supernanny US this morning Jo suggested a good idea, she got the little 3yr old to put all his pacifiers into an envelope to send to the paci fairy, and he got an envelope back in the morning with little animals and there was fairy dust and glitter around the mail box where she had been! 28 years ago i had a similar idea, only i thought 2yrs was probably a year too long to be having a pacifier for my oldest, so we got him to put all his into a brown envelope also, but we sent it off to Father Christmas, it was a month before Christmas and he got a little something extra for doing so! and he, just like the little boy on the tv, slept soundly and never asked again for them! when i was moving from England i came across a brown envelope, addressed to Father Christmas, i opened it, inside 3 or 4 pacifiers..... did i cry?

its Saturday today, Pip and i have been out, but that's it for today until this evening, its a struggle to get to the top of the road at the moment, yesterday Franco called on his way home and we met him up at Lidl... my 4th walk! 3 too many, when we get back home i am going to start taking the Samento again, remember i was taking it back in England, but was probably not a good idea to come of the anti inflamatories at the same time as some people do, so i am going to stay on regular meds, and take the Samento at the same time, see if it helps at all, i am also hoping its not going to be taken off the market, i received this in an email the other day about taking some herbal meds off the market in the EU, i don't know if its just Chinese, or across the board, i cant believe they would even take Chinese herbal remedies off the market, these have been used for thousands of years, long before western medication, they seem to have a higher rate of cure, they are natural, Mom was taking one for anti cancer, she was taking before and after we went to Paris, she stopped taking them the month after we came back from France. i dont know if they were helping, if it was too late....

i noticed when we came back from our walk this morning, some people renting an apartment over the way had they're bedroom windows open, persianas up... rather them than me for sure, any gypsies about would have been in, whether they were in they're room or not!... its Monday now, how time flys, and holiday'ers over the way are still risking it with their open windows and persianas! oh well la ... or whatever!

Monday morning now, before wifi, just downloaded the photos on here and confused myself by reading *its Saturday today, * so goodness knows how you keep up with what i am on about half the time, or, of course, maybe you don't and are just as confused as I!

our lawyers accountant phoned me on Friday to ask, again, if i had the original wills, i said, again, i did not! but i would check at home and call him today, over weekend we came across an article saying about a woman who hadn't got her will and on requesting it was told a charge of over 9€ a month had been in force and she owed well over a thousand euros! well good luck with that if that happens to us, we actually thought we had the real wills....

had expected to be home as off this weekend past, but have to see above in Fuengirola and with road still closed and bus taking a day and half to get there... (not really!!!), more just the case of infrequent buses isn't it from Alhaurín, 9:30am and 2:30pm, you kind of stuck! Alhaurín is a big town with lots of people, doesnt make sense, the smallest of villages where i used to live have a bus an hour at least, even if the bus has to come off the beaten track go into the village and back out the same road, it does it....

poor old Fergie, what was she thinking, 500 thousand on info on her ex Price Andrew! UUUmmmm, ok Dave, better watch out, (but i will split it 50/50 with you ok! just don't tell anyone!), but isn't all this entrapment, if a journalist pretends something to be other than it is, to trap people into situation they wouldn't otherwise have been drawn into? isn't entrapment illegal?

did i tell you a fellow neighbour from here has fixed the gate to the beach now? he and his wife wired it up closed, three or four places on the right and left, so we safe here now for sure! and when we went out yesterday through the security gate that's been broken, its fixed, i wonder if he did that too!

what about this little feller? well little is maybe not the word! this morning he was failing about on his back with his legs going like he had an invisible cycle! poor thing, Franco gave him a prod with his key but he just rolled down another step, which was probably why he was on his back in the first place! when Pip and i got back half hour later, the plucky *little* feller was still cycling for his life, no ant attack yet thank goodness, so i just popped him back onto his feet! and he was away, but slowly....

i wonder if our internet was cancelled back home? guess we will find out when we get back eh! i still have to phone them to get our 23€ back for reconnection fee, i think it must the fair up in Alhaurín this week going by all the lights as you come and go into the town, the lower road is covered from roof top to roof top in blue plastic sheeting, giving the street beneath a strange blue light...

well that's it for now, will switch off and get up to the bar about 10am, hasta pronto amigos!

you know i cant ever remember going into a bank in England and getting wound up? cash point here not working, nothing too new there i guess, and THE most robbed machine in the area, rife for cloning and general thieving! so go in, up to desk, only one, and only one person, who says he is doing something, man in an office comes back out after five minutes and up to desk to complete his transaction! he wants money out! 10 thousand euros! obviously without previous notice no banks are going to give that, but after filling out numerous forms he gets 1.500€ and is coming back for the rest tomorrow! he liked to show off this man, he took his mobile phone out several times in the ten minutes of waiting at the desk! it was *lovely*, all gold! the lovely there was said very sarcastically by the way! what a first class plonker! will have to come back to the bank tomorrow now, to complete what i needed to do, just hope i am not there when buddy boy is getting out the rest of his dosh!


ps phoned lawyer already, 10:30, and he is not in yet, maybe an hour the receptionist said!

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