Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday already! nothing out of the ordinary yesterday for us... Pippa and i went out for our usual early morning walk... a house near the park had loads of blue stripy Police tape around the gate front door and front window... i thought, break in? murder?? but this morning on passing a what appeared to be bridegroom was opening the front door! so i think it might have been a party trick for the couple on their arrival at their new home on their wedding day! how sweet.... ummmm! well anyway....

this morning we popped round to friends house, then Franco dropped me off and i came home, he went down to pick up the family staying down at the coast, called me from the car park and Pippa and i went up to meet and greet them! we went up to the church first for a quick site seeing visit, feeling like tourists but at least we had Pip with us!

a quick cuppa here and tour of the house, 2 seconds, and we five were off to La Trocha market, we got the last car park space luckily! a good walk around and then up stairs for a little lunch...

i stayed in the car this time to take everyone back to the coast, we figured mostly down hill it would be better, but the poor old exhaust was hammering away on the floor beneath us three on the back seat!

poor Dawn in the front seat was having a white knuckle ride! not used to old bumpy roads with those yawning great gaps where the barriers used to be in places!

and us not helping with regard to Franco's poor sight in his right eye and not having his glasses on throughout the journey!!!!

hoping to meet another friend tomorrow who now lives in England...

but now its..


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