Saturday, July 24, 2010

Took my birthday cards down today, usually leave them up a while longer yet, but...

And its my Dad's birthday today, he would have been 85, bless him, he never even got to make it to half that age though.

Not going to post this today, sounding not so good so far....

Well above was Saturday.... So will have to work hard to refresh my memory from last week now!

Well seems I was having a moan about the local bank! So I guess that was Tuesday... Wednesday I think I may have just been about the house, Thursday I stopped by a friends house for a coffee or tea, and then straight home from what I remember!

Back to Monday briefly, above the bus time table in Alhaurín de la Torre, yes that 10 foot high sign, lists the times of buses, not when they will arrive at that bus stop, but at what time they will leave Malaga bus station, or Coín for instance!!!??? Whereas the norm would be to tell at what time it would be at which stop!

Also, as you can guess the table for our bus was placed furthest away, at the top, so about 10 foot up in the air and impossible to read anyway!

And of course above is the wonderful chocolate cake I had that day... death by chocolate he called it, too many of those... and well, who knows!!!

Friday friends picked me up near the crossroads! I had been talking to a road sweeper, he works 7 days a week, I said he must be rich from working every day but he said no, the wages were poor!

We had some fun out walking a few mornings last week, a dog walking friend who has two dogs, we met up a couple of days and her dogs always bark at Pippa, who now, will always bark at them! They're big dogs too so we have to take evasive manoeuvres when we see each other! Either she hides, with her dogs behind a big car, or we suddenly walk in the other direction! Either of which must be quite amusing if we're being observed!

Saturday we went to Ikea, Franco had to get some bits for friends, we of course, stopped for lunch there, Franco had a huge lamb shank, which he enjoyed, and I had the wonderful meat balls with the more than wonderful sauce, but decided against the gravy in fear of MSG!

We didn't look around up stairs, it was packed! Which is good, for them, so we only *did* downstairs, on checking out as usual people in front had items with no prices, but scarily enough Franco knew they had only picked up a part of a light fitting, and that was why there was no price on it! Last time he knew how much some tea clothes were, and that it was a four pack! I think he goes there more often than I do!

We came back through Churriana and the Lidl there, and then home!

Sunday I got up, took Pip for her walk and then went back to bed with a headache, got up after a couple of hours and took a migraine tablet... but was so hot, I just couldn't settle and that made it worse, and I think I eventually got up about 8pm... Don't know why it happened, my neck hurt so I guess that was it!

Above is a quite poor photo of the park near the Coín bus station, there were a couple of dozen or more men there... all chatting in the shade of those big old trees, they watched the world go by as we watched them! And we had plenty of time to watch them, on the internet it said the bus would be there at 1pm, but the one that came, was just passing by, and in the wrong direction, he said he would be back at 2pm, and he was!

And now I think I need a cup of tea, never drunk so much in my life, but it seems to cool me down more than coffee, and cold drinks just make me hotter! Have just been try8ing to find a product Franco saw on TV yesterday, some sort of cool mat thing to lay down on and cool you down, it was on *Something for the weekend*, but I cant find it mentioned any where!

Adio amigos...

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
Judy Garland


  1. Marian,cool pad from ideal world at 59.99 check it out

  2. Oh Chrissie, thank you, will do right nowxx
