Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday? What happened to the rest of the week amigos....?

back tracking to Sunday, Franco and I went up to the Ardales lakes and to El Chorro... we also climbed up to the restaurant that sits above the reservoir above Bobastro... The restaurant was closed and is up for sale, if any one is interested!

We stopped for a coffee at the little El Chorro railway station, lots of building works going on there, but the bar itself is ok, the birds next has been taken down... danger to those below I guess, in some ways!

Then we went back to the lakes and had a great lunch at the Kisko restaurant, where I had the murluza a la basque, or hake basque style! Won-der-ful....

A nice man gave us some free grapes on the way in, but were all gone when we came out when we went to buy some!

The day was a bit cloudy, so very humid, but without the beating sun a little cooler I guess than it can be in August. It was very very busy and in the restaurant we were lucky to get a table when we did as it filled up soon afterwards!

Monday.... I met up with a friend and her two boys and we went for a drink in town, then to Mercadona for some groceries...

... not sure what else I did, because when I woke up Tuesday I had a migraine! A bad one, and in this heat... its too much, I would rather be cold and then wrap up warm, when your hot, there is nothing you can do, to cool down!

So yesterday, I wobbled down town, got to Bar Cruz, had a té with friends and home again...

Today, well today isn't too good! We are sending emails back and fro to the man who owes Franco money... For some strange reason his daughter seems to be answering all the mail, or interfering you could say!

Franco met with him and her, and a church councillor, [the man isn't religious, so seemed a bit strange?] So again, maybe the daughters interferance? And on hearing what had been going she wasn't very pleased.

The plan was set for the money to be paid to Franco, and its not appeared and doesn't seem it ever will. He had the money, but spent it elsewhere and this is the point which seems to have been overlooked by each of their emails... and ours now, its turned into useless bickering.

Where do we go from here about it? Debt collection? Lawyers?

How can someone who said he was a good friend, who said to Franco he was like a Son to him, pull the wool over our eyes for so long, and the rest of his family? And then just walk away...

His daughter has tried to give us help, [?????] When we said about the huge funeral bill for my Mom, I have checked this out and it seems we are correct in the fact you can only get English benefit for a funeral if your on income support and of course are the deceased wife or husband, or partner of course. Oh and the obvious living in England!!!!

And another piece of information she gave us... is even worse and I wont go into details on here, because believe you me they would be in serious trouble if I did! Well if they are doing what she is suggesting!

Now we don't know if she was just being *thoughtful*, or trying to get us into serious trouble....

Talking of Mom, well kind of... I had a wonderful dream just before I awoke this morning, I was somewhere [I don't know], talking to a woman [I also didn't know!], and writing down my thoughts and feelings for the place I was in, when last there, with my Mom, and in this dream Mom was there by my side, I knew she had passed away, and I was writing how she had loved this place and what we had done there etc...

I kind of thought when I woke up, that one of my fears is being in all the places we used to go, without her, that's one of things really tearing me up... but now, hopefully, if I can, remember this dream and when in one of *our* places I will remember the good things of us being there together, even if its just shopping in Aylesbury, or Hemel, or the many many years in Berkhamsted from me being small to ... to now...

because she will always be by my side....

(wish she was beside the man above just for a minute and give him a what-for, and a signal to pay up!) But I think he is too deaf to hear if you know what I mean.



  1. Hi Marian.
    Sorry to hear that your problem with the person that owes franco money has not been sorted.You mentioned it when we met in La Cala.I presumed it was all ok now.he doesnt sound a very trustful person lets hope it happens to him one day.I see the weather is very hot in Spain at the moment,its warm here but very muggy.Are you still thinking of moving back or are you ok now? Hope everything got sorted with the lawyers you were having trouble with about your Mums things
    Im always thinking of you and glad we met
    Take care Chrissie
    PS Heard anything about Ted yet! ! !

  2. Chrissie... Hi, thank you, I know the man and his family now, is turning into a nightmare i really dont need!

    Still waiting on the lawyers too...

    I think its just too hot here to do anything! Last night at 1130pm it was still 35c/85f up on the terrace! and only a few degree less in the house, no wonder no one can sleep at the moment, well with no air con!

    oh and yes Ted! him and his bride got married at Mijas town hall up in the pueblo! a few of her family were there, have only seen photos on friends camera, so not too clear. friends said they seem very happy...

    take care, mxxxx
