Monday, September 27, 2010

Above, Mom and I outside the Louvre...

I wish I had written this earlier... because I have heard how much death duties I have to pay, and so am having a bit of a panic! Its not as much as I thought it would be, but its more than we have... put it that way, so not a happy girl, well panicking I think is what its called!

So I am going to continue as if nothing has happened! Luckily I had written notes this morning, so I will just go through them as if I am all A-OK! Which will be harder than I think...

ok... Stars! This morning when Pippa and I came out, the moon was bright, and there were hundreds of stars on the car park! It was like they had fallen to earth in the night! Over the weekend there was a wedding, and some hundreds of silver hearts and been blown from rockets and lay upon the ground! And this morning were glowing from the reflection of the bright moon.... Was beautiful....

Also, this time of the year the crickets are so noisy at night! And first thing in the morning, I am not sure what time is *first thing in the morning* for them! They are burning the candle at both ends big time right now! And so many different individual noises they make too! Different voices, of course! When you walk up and past where one is chirping away, it stops, then starts again after you have passed it by!

It was a right cacophony of noises this morning, some dogs in the campo had begun early, so there was them, the crickets, the roosters, a donkey or two giving his comment! And all this in the pitch dark of our early morning walk! With just the moon for company... oh and the other nocturnal creatures....! Turning up our street I had a shadow, then jumped as another joined it, mine also, from another street lamp... So, scared by my own shadow! There you have it!

Why did I write down El Dorado? Someone on FB was talking about where he is working and it looks like El Dorado, [the English TV series], and I wrote that its near here, the original one...

I suppose some people spend all they're lives looking for the real El Dorado dont they? The legendary Lost City of Gold....We can see it from the terrace!!!! And there's no gold there, but they're giving it a bit of a re-paint and making it look its formal glory!!!

Well that's my notes! This morning I went for my normal walk into town, had my BP done down at the farmacia, and then to Bar Cruz for té with friends, also I wanted to pay a bill, but was too soon, the machine, it said no! Paid our car insurance too, that came around quickly...

Saturday I was down town, too early for the farmacia, it opens an hour later on a Saturday, I didn't know, so wandered about, had a té and was still too early! I chatted and walked with a friend for a ways, she and her husband are moving back to England next month... Another, feels like so many are leaving, but then, people are buying their places, I guess its just an *all change*!!!

Feel silly having my BP done every day in the same place! But I have told them why, so there I am! And its only for a week, and I really should have done this six months ago, still better than than never! I am looking forward to getting in to see the doctor on Wednesday, sort of, I still need to write everything down in Spanish so I can tell him, and be understood, although I probably wont have any idea what he says to me! But tomorrow, its back to Cudeca and hopefully lots of local people in so I can practice mi español... trouble is, when I cant think clearly, as in panic, or its hugely necessary to do so... I have enough trouble speaking English, never mind Spanish!

Ok I am having trouble keeping thoughts of the tax and how to pay, out of my mind, not being helped by, also, today, a year ago, Mom and I were on our way to Paris... on the Eurostar... I am already finding it hard to cope, I am off now... I may be back!


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