Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Couple of old photos from a trip back in 2007 when Tony and I went to Olvera, above, and Teba below with Franco also....

I remember getting up onto the top of this castle and finding there was no edge to it... just the big drop down on all sides!

Today I had a Well Woman check, the two girls who are doing a charity trip to Timbuktu on quad bikes organised it, the nurse did the day for free and a donation of 10€ went to the charity...

I got a taxi there, couldn't believe the price 12€ for a five minutes drive, would rather have given that to the charity, but never mind, got there in good time, things were running behind for one reason or another, but didn't matter, had good chat and laugh with all the women waiting... First there was a weigh in on some special scales that gave a reading apart from weight, body fat, body water, muscle mass etc etc, felt like a slimming group with the scales in the middle of the room and everyone taking an interest... more so because it also gave a metabolic age... I was rather impressed by mine! Its actually the age I always say I feel inside, and now its been confirmed, I am younger than my boys now! My metabolic age read... 27 years! muy bien!

The cholesterol test I had done locally of 181 is actually very good, no diabetes. We talked about my high BP and the nurse said if the lower number goes above 90 at any time again, to seek medical help, so I guess I better had... next time....

Talked about a few others things, but put it this way, looks like I will last the week out!!!!

One of the organisers said she would give me a lift back to Alhaurín if no one else was going that way, so I waited till everyone had gone and did get a lift with her...

... it was great! My ride home was behind her on her quad bike! I'd never been on one before, the bike was huge, with a rear carrier trunk, and two extra cases on each side! I felt very safe, the worse bit was a big bump over the drain at the bottom of a road and my sun glasses hit the back of her helmet! My helmet? er no... didn't have one... What a crazy mad girl I am.. devil may care attitude... lol!

Was great!

Been watching a series called "Great TV Mistakes", trouble is afterwards I am looking out for reflections in cars and windows of tv film crew, and the so many other reasons all these clips end up on programs like this!

The new breakfast show on ITV have a bad problem with reflections, in the window behind the couple sitting on the edge of the so uncomfortable [looking] sofa, and the newscaster you can see the cameras, people coming and going, didn't have that before folks! And why do the couple look so tense? They are leaning so far forward they look like they're about to slip right off the sofa and of the program!

ummmm anyway! Just had a call to promote a spanish tv system, after I answered in English, he spoke to me, only in English! For me to tell him we have English TV, lo siento...

I just brought the washing in too, well an hour ago maybe, but was still 32 degrees in the shade on the terrace... nights are much better now, at last, and it says rain is forecast Thursday and Friday?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:11 am

    Oh I wish I had seen that of you on the quad bike, bet it was hilarious. You'r very brave because I would not have got on any bike

