Sunday, September 05, 2010

Well, of course, I made it through yesterday, as of course I would do.

Was very sad all day and had a candle lit for Mom by our favourite photo... the snow globe pic...

I had been given some magazines by a friend, I read them yesterday and about the time I was spending the last of Mom's time holding her, I came to a section in the mag about *spooky* stuff, and the main letter started... "I lost my Mom six months ago and although I was with her to the end she was unconscious and I worry she didn't hear my words of love and calm and...." and it was as if I had written this letter! His reply said she had heard her daughters words, they had helped, and she was still with her, and knew she was thinking of her too...

I guess this letter helped two daughters as they read this, well probably many many more actually, I am sure this article came to more than two people!

I also then at the end of another of the mags an advertisement for a most beautiful thing, a musical egg, in the design of Fabergé, on opening it shows a twisting stairway leading up to a cross, and beneath the words....

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane,
I'd walk
right up to Heaven
and bring you
home again

How strange a day that should bring me these two things when I was so low...

And between now and Wednesdays Blog not much has happened... I was feeling poorly, sore throat and took a hot powder drink which knocked me out the rest of Wednesday, Thursday I managed to take Pip out for her walk, my head hurt so much I took a migraine tablet and then back to bed and slept...

Thursday night I had trouble sleeping, weird and wonderful hallucinations, high fever perhaps? I hope that's all they were because I saw some very strange things! At one point when I was asleep I woke Franco up by screaming so badly he thought someone was in the room and attacking us! Then he couldn't sleep due to me coughing and talking in my half sleep so he left me alone to my nightmares and took to the sofa!

We think it might have been the flu, thank you honey [Franco], I was headachey, sick, couldn't breath properly, and just felt to heavy to move further than necessary... I got up eventually on Friday evening, and had a piece of toast, earlier on in the day I had tried a cup of tea, but that wouldn't stay in me! Nor did the second try a bit later!

Yesterday... I got up, took Pip out, but only a half walk, she was happy enough after spending the last 48 hours with me... she is funny, she wont stay down stairs, or eat, or drink, she just stays as close to me as possible when I am sick.... and niggles at me to get up the whole time, so sympathetic, but not!

I tried eating yesterday, a piece of toast mid morning and another in the evening, but I had to force it down, I just didn't feel hungry and I have only just eaten for the first time today, 7pm now nearly, I did a roast chicken and the smell got my tum rumbling, and I ate a bit, only a bit, but its a start, I cant remember when I last went for so long without eating... I think I could probably get into my old jeans now.... ;-0

Franco was out all day yesterday, didn't get home till about 1am! So a long day, but today we went down to the coast, got some food[!] And came home and rested, Franco is still coughing, I am ok as long as I don't start coughing, then I cant stop!

Yesterday I talked to Baz on Skype for ages which was nice, and then I read an email from, an offer of free access to the Immigration and Travel, Passenger lists section, for this Labour Day weekend, so I was on there for about 4 hours... yes you read that correctly, well over 4 hours! And I have updated a few things on the family tree... I need my cousins to send me all their D.O.B.'s and kids etc, would be good to get the whole Bonelli gang on there... I was also trying to find the Nelsons who moved to Brazil... I wont give up on that! I promised Mom....

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane,
I'd walk
right up to Heaven
and bring you
home again


1 comment:

  1. hope you are getting better…sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application, such as platycodon.

    i hope it works on you as well.
