Saturday, October 16, 2010

I promised I would be back tomorrow, well today now! Its Saturday, and I have catch up from Thursday...

The car, after having a new something the other week, was making another weird and not so wonderful noise, and on his way to the coast Thursday morning, Franco took the car into the garage we use and it was "tengo un malo noticia" bad news... The water pump had gone... gone broken that is of course! I know they steal some things from our car in the car park occasionally but the water pump? No, just broken!

So we were then in desperate need of a rental car, which thanks to Rentacar 3000 here in town we got! I got back from town after Franco had called to tell me the car had broken down... I checked on the internet, then gave them a call, he said come on up and get the car now! Brilliant, so I went up the hill and did so! I think I haven't driven since over a year ago? Not sure if I drove when Barry was over last December, I don't think so. We never bothered renting a car when I was over with Mom the last few months of last year.... So it could have been when I was over in the spring, when Mom and I went down to Hayling Island and the little tour we did then. I wasn't worried, jumped in the little Fiat Panda, and off I went! Didn't get far fast, caught up with a heavy vehicle just before the Moreno roundabout, went in for petrol and then caught up with it again! He pulled over a bit and signalled for me to go past and I was off! It was great to be driving again, I miss it so much... So down to the coast I went to find Franco! He wasn't where we would think he was going to be, so I came to him instead!

We stopped down there for a coffee then came up to Mijas pueblo, we parked somewhere different, on the road up from the coast that goes past the American hand car wash place etc...

Which means I actually, after over 20 years! Had never seen the church above in Mijas before!

Or these strange archways.... filled with plants and candles! Only showing one above... Very strange!

And above a beautiful little street... a woman popped her head out just as I was taking this, and like a small meerkat, popped it back in again!

We walked into the centre of town, and had a coffee and a tapa, I had some boquerones, [whitebait] gently fried in hardly any batter at all, luverly!

We walked, [up hill] back to the car and felt like we were on holidays! Strange streets, rental car! We had holiday fever! So back in the car and off again, we turned off via Coín and went to Tolox.

We had seen the signs to Tolox on many occasions each and every time we went to Ronda... But never went to check it out, glad we did, there is a Spa there, as the link tells, we know about the Spa at Carratraca, but never realised than another was so close also... although it says [above link] the gases are sprayed into the throat and nose of those who visit! We saw tables and chairs in the up stairs rooms and did wonder what they were for! Bathing sounds ok, but not sure about that! Sounds a bit like torture!

We drove into the town firstly, following signs and then ended up with a choice of a one way street near a bridge, that we couldn't go up! or a car park! We hadn't wanted to follow a wheel barrow with an engine that was being driven by a young guy with a strange spiky hair cut with an elderly gentleman hanging on on a trailer behind! But we were forced to, we followed them, up and up and up, through tiny and tinier streets, till we left them and chose our own route... Which ended up coming down a one way street over a bridge and there was that car park again! We went round the now familiar round about, but headed along parrell to the river, the road was beautiful, an avenue lined with eucalyptus trees, huge massive old ones, the wonderful smell as we drove over the leaves, [love that smell]...

We came to a car park with a kiosk, drove through a gate and parked up beneath some of the wonderful eucalyptus trees and went for a wander... It was here we found the spa, photos to follow tomorrow, and lots more... about the day... We went from there, up the mountain, higher and higher, I had seen from the approach to the village a big house or something way way up at the top, and we found it! It was the hotel, also mentioned in link! There was nothing else up there and the road ended there.... Wonderful place to stay, looked so peaceful....

Back down the mountainside we went, didn't try to get into Tolox town centre again! We drove out and back to the main road and turned left to Alozaina... We got to the town in a few minutes, at the roundabout we entered the village.. but couldn't, the road was under construction! We took a detour and came to the other end of the main road! It was a small square, no parking or way out, so we turned around and left the town! We left a different way to the way we came, passing the turn for Casarabonella, where we on my birthday... and returning by way of Cartama, but the day wasn't finished yet! We popped into La Trocha for a coffee! The shops were still open, in fact some of them, the small little market stalls in the centre isle were just opening!

We got home about 6:30pm!!!! What a day! As soon as we were in I got dinner on, and we ate, we were both absolutely shattered! There was a knock at the door an hour later mas o menos, and there were friends! Friends who were staying down at Maria's on the coast! It was great, we never get friends just popping in here in Spain... Really completed out day wonderfully! Later when we walked back to their car, and a short walk to the church, I had to get out of my pj's which I had put on when I got home! Although we always see lots of ladies out and about in their pj's, nighties, rollers! At any time of day, [or night!]

So needless to say, yesterday I was completely exhausted! I got back from town, and went to bed for two hours! Only getting up to feed Pippa, and going back again for another two hours! I had good intentions of painting some rubber water proof stuff we bought, on the gully between our house and our neighbours house, after all the rain at the beginning of the year we think it might be a way the water had got in and caused a lot of the damp, I had cleared the plants and pots etc out in June, but after the rain we had last week I knew we had to be quick about it, before the winter comes.

So this morning! Am back to the Bp readings again for a week, not looking any better yet... There are about 4 or 5 people in the farmacia, and so many people having their blood pressure reading done they wouldn't remember one from another, this morning the woman said I needed to get my bp checked out with the doctor as it was so high, I said I am, and am on medication now, have to have readings done for a week and go back to see her, she was surprised that it was still high after 16 days, anyway, will find out what the doctor has to say when I see her on Wednesday!

After that I met up with my mate, and came home, and went straight up stairs and did the painting! Left it a couple of hours and did a second coat, I have painted the whole length of the house, not a huge widthways, it varies... like the rooms beneath! And I also painted a couple of inches up each side also! It looks good, nice red rubber paint!

Weather is still lovely thank goodness, washed the bedding, and its back on the bed all lovely and fresh smelling... And now I must go, lots of writing here, lots of photos tomorrow... No writing!


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