Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday was my last Blog! What occurred since? The days go by so quickly and mix together! I'v made some notes earlier while I thought back, good job too it seems, although not sure I will make it back 5 days!

While I type Jamie Olivers new series 30 minute meals is on, I may have to invest in the cook book that goes with the series, I know the recipes are on line, but its just not the same as having a book in the kitchen is it!

Well that was a distraction while I tried to remember back, didn't work so I will continue... In pain as it happens, right hand is so sore, hurts to hold a cup! So predominantly right handed even holding a cup in the left hand is weird and awkward! Just seem to be having an *all over* flare up, the weather? The bp meds? Who knows... who cares!?!

And back to books[!] Any of you know the bazaar type shop when you have come down from Mijas pueblo, gone over the Malaga/Algeciras toll road... On the left is a big big store full of things! Furniture, English soups and drinks, bric-a-brac, you know the one? Well they have some English books now, all up to date, brand spanking new! And only 2.50€, fantastic! Who knows how long they will be there, so get'em....

Walked Pip this morning, clear sky, all the stars out on show, but by 9:30am, pouring down with rain! It stopped and I went down into town an hour later, met up with a friend and we had coffee outside Bar Rosa, the toldo there is bigger than Bar Cruz... *sorry*! I think people thought we were mad, but it was dry, and warm enough to do so! So!

Afterwards, and up until half hour ago, blue sky and sun shine, then the heavens opened and down came the rain, straight down, no holding back! Its letting up a bit now, which is good, I missed most of Come dine with me! LOL

Ah, Friday, I was trying to get over Thursdays trip to coast, I could hardly move my neck! Saturday it rained some... friends coming out in the evening and its raining! Typical!

Then Sunday we went down to Maria's, had a chat and drove into Fuengirola with them for some lunch, somewhere we hadn't eaten before, and had ménu del día, at 7.99€, I think that was it, not bad for three courses, bread and coffee! We got home about 6:30!

So yesterday I didn't feel great and we were off early to Ikea, Franco had to get a few things for a mate, and then into Fuengirola for a coffee, or tea for me! Some guy was begging, well one of the dozens that do down there, he had a piece of cardboard round his neck held by string... It read money for food please, and he said as much as he walked around by the tables in Las Rampas, only the ironic thing was, this man who said he needed food, was massive, his stomach prevented the card board from sitting flat on his body, he was incredible well fed! From face to feet!

I got the bus home, bit of a wait sat on a wall in full sun! But it came on time, a young couple got on on the Mijas road, they had a pushchair with tiny baby, she, the Mom sat next to me as I was right by the big space from prams etc, once the bus was off she picked up the baby, wrapped her up and held her tight, and he, the Dad, sat on the other side of the aisle, he had his MP3 player blasting... I asked how old the baby was, she was just 2 months and a real doll, perfect... Anyway, we were along above Mijas pueblo and I could the girl next to me, something had changed about how she was sitting... I turned to look at her and she had fallen asleep! Her the Mom I mean! The tiny baby was already fallen down to her lap and held now, very loosley! So I gently woke her up! I didn't want to make her jump and drop the baby! She thanked me and lifted the baby back up again!! When I got up and off in Alhaurin she thanked me again! The man? Still playing his MP3 player... loudly! Its not that I didn't like the music by the way, or anything to do with not being their age any more, I can hear my sons now.... But it really was as loud as you might play music in your car, but we were on a public bus! That's my reasoning and I am sticking with it! Ok? Ok...

Oh and I had a headache! Nearly forgot that! And when I got home I had to go to bed for about 3 hours or more, I think this is what I did Friday and Saturday too, too many head aches.... Its just my neck, and I am still grinding my teeth! Day and night!

I made another cake today, got to stop this, as only I eat them! At least it was just as is, no added anything, and I think a slice with some custard is what I shall be having shortly!

Did I mention they are starting work on the Mijas road? So from the BP garage/Moreno restaurant, they will be resurfacing it! Down to... I don't know, the Toll road!?! Will we be able to use the as yet unfinished Fuengirola road? No, fines for doing so in progress! Anyother route to use? NO!! Organisation skills in road planning department Nill! Disruption to Alhurínos total!

The longest ever seen shoe horn Franco bought me to help me get into my trainers first thing in the morning works great, I just need a contraption to hold my jeans open and pull 'em up for me!
Someone suggested the one they use on Wallace and Gromit, have included a link for those not familiar with this cute and very well loved pair, but to the person who suggested they're use of electronic clothes dresser thingy... Its not real! But thanks anyway amigo!

Tomorrow I am hoping for a no rain day, I have a list as long as my arm, which includes, the bank.. the medical centre and the farmacia for the start of my 7 days of readings to take to the doctor next week! I think the bp reading should be the first thing I do, what do you think!!!

Ok, I think that's it for now... my mind is wandering to thoughts of calling my Mom's phone number again, so much to tell her, so many silly things I used to tell her now just get lost into the air and left unsaid...


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