Saturday, November 13, 2010

Just realised I didn't blog yesterday? I though I had told you about my trip down to the Cudeca hospice, obviously not!

Well after a brief networking meeting at the boardroom aka té with mates outside Bar Cruz, I was down to the shop to meet up with the other going down to the hospice.

The mini bus arrived on time, mas ó menos! And off we went, we had a couple of women from the Marbella store already on board, the driver then took the longest and slowest route possible to get down to Arroyo de la Miel, an hour... via Fuengirola to pick up the volunteers from the store.

We went in and had coffee and biscuits before all sitting down for a brief talk, which was very good and informative, telling us mostly what we already do, but good to hear it over again, and to remind some people what we are supposed to be doing, and why... I think there were about 80 people, 78 women and 2 men, one guy was in a kilt... not sure why exactly, maybe it was his normal day ware???

We had opportunity to say anything we wanted to after Katie had finished, only a few did, some good ideas to add, others not... Then we had a questionnaire to fill out, not from Cudeca, but from a company who donates, they want what sounds like proof of where they're money is going, and photo evidence also...

We then had a tour of the hospice, all the facilities and services for people who visit either during the week, or to stay... They have everything to make life easier for people, in a calm place, with beautiful gardens, the rooms have they're own small shady patio area, and an extra bed in the room for family to stay over...

One room was vacant and we all went in to have a look and check out the interior, while Katie was talking about things in there I was wishing I wasn't in there... It was the first time I had been in a hospital room which just reminded me of Mom's room in the care home, I am still to raw and was upset being in there, then when we came out we collected together by the tiles, you can pay to have peoples names etc decorated onto tiles that run the length of the hospice and turn the corner now, that was staggering to see, although not all the people have passed on... I just only saw those that had.

It was a good visit, and I am glad that at last I have seen the place that the money goes to where I am working again now, and did for a couple of years previously. And next time someone asks for the item to be reduced from 2€ to anything less, I will have more feeling when I say "no"! If they knew exactly where it was going they wouldn't have the cheek to ask, maybe?

And the return journey was longer... we dropped the Fuengirola girls off first, then the Marbella two! Then to Alhaurín, back to the shop. I made a fatal error of getting as far as CJ's... before remembering that Pip had no food in the shoue, and that Mercadona was, by then, the only place open, so I did an about turn and walked all the way back! Got the food and then the walk back home, and got in about 4:15pm, shattered, fed Pip and had a nap!!!

Our car was playing up, again, but Franco thinks it was just a loose spark plug, it kept cutting out yesterday and the day before, but hopefully now... For such an old car it kept going about 4 years longer than we ever thought it could... and those black ties and super glue help!!

Today I copied out all the names and address's in my Grand dads little address book, from 1920! This little book is nearly a hundred years old! In the last couple of days has been opened and closed and pages turned more than in the past fifty years... at least!

As I was typing out the list I was googling the odd one or two, and I think I found one ladies name in the obits in Canada! Everything matched up! Shame she is'nt a relative though... Still amazed me finding her like that! Also my Gt Gt Grand dad, is playing hard to trace, so I looked in the church burial listings for the area we think he was in, found a guy by his name, but seems the name is quite popular... Still fun looking... and you never know...

My *new* cousin and I still can't get our heads around it all, I can't wait to get up to Javea to meet her, unbelievable we are both here in Spain isn't it?

Ok, been on here long enough today, think a piece of cake and custard is calling to me from the kitchen, now, second night with a glass of red wine, remember I opened that bottle the first night my cousin and I spoke, so last night and tonight I thought I better drink a bit more before I end up throwing it away and is the norm in our house! I don't think its doing me any good though, and I thought red wine was good for your heart? My heart beat is more irregular than normal!

I am sooooo glad this auto saves as this whole page just disappeared and when to my gmail, when I hit the back arrow, it didn't bring me back here.... I would not have typed this whole lot again... Oh thats reminded me, at last, when the clocks went back the other week... Walking Pippa was so much better, but even now a couple of weeks later, the sky has never gone back to being as dark as it was before the clocks changed... Which is good! But strange....


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariaan!

    I discovered your blog when I googled the meaning of the word 'Ultreya'. Loved reading your posts and also enjoyed listening to the song you posted!

    I'll be walking the Camino de Santiago in July 2012 (I see you're a cancer as well!). In fact, that's what my blog is about.

    Come and say hi! You'll find me at

    Look forward to chatting!
