Monday, November 08, 2010

Well amigos...Have I got news for you!

And I don't know where to begin! Well, last night I read my hotmail emails, I actually hadn't opened up hotmail for a couple of days... doh! And there was an email from someone who had found some of my information on very very interesting!

I couldn't believe what she had to say, her surname being the same as my Grand Dads, I initially thought she was a relative of mine, but turns out she was tracing someone else's family tree... Which turns out to be part of my family tree!

.... and the mega promise I made to Mom on the last day she was able to talk has been fulfilled, I never thought I would be able to do so... I'm sure Mom knows, I have had goosebumps all the time I have been doing, or talking about it this afternoon! Either that or I'm coming down with a chill!

This afternoon I got back home from town, switched this on and another email in my in box! This wonderful, wonderful girl has been working on behalf of the Grand daughter of one of my Grand Dads brothers... I have seen photos of my Grand parents on her tree, so strange seeing them there!

I could tell Mom that of the two brothers who went to Brazil, one didn't stay long, the other came back eventually, but another brother did move there, stayed and died there...

A cousin moved to Canada, we're all over the world! This cousin became a Canadian citizen who fought during WW2, he landed at Normandy on D-Day, was so badly injured he only lived another couple of days and is buried there... He also has a bay on a lake in Canada named after him!!

I am in such amazement over it all! My head is spinning, and its not a migraine for once, I had my dinner earlier than normal, I think I had burnt up so much energy I was starving! I also have a glass of wine by my side, well empty now... So much information gone into my head I thought it was going to explode!

And, wait for it.... and I have spoken to my cousin! I get confused how many cousins away, my Grand dads Daughter would have been my Mom's cousin, so my 2nd cousin, her daughter, my 3rd and Linda who I spoke to my 4th? Is that right!! I don't know, what matters is we have found each other and spoken.... And you'll never guess, her and her family live here in Spain! Well... of course eh! They lived in Hertfordshire before... Same as us!

I have been going through all the things I have, old documents, an old address book, names, addresses, dates etc, I am going to scan and email everything to both Emma, who has brought us together, and to Linda, can't wait to meet her now! Two years ago, is it two or longer? Anyway, when I was staying with friends up in Cumbre del Sol I was only about 15 minutes away from her...

I better get cracking now, so much to do, dust is piled high around the tv, floors to sweep, bathroom to clean! Been sat here all afternoon, so before I collapse with excited fatigue... adiĆ³ amgios i think...

I want to phone my Mom even more than usual now, I so want her to know....


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