Saturday, January 17, 2015


Toast and clam! South Pacific of course, and real butter, nothing more, nothing less...

Toast challenge Veronica Roth...

Here is a toast to 'Toast'... To each slice of bread, whether brown or white! Wholemeal or rye, thin thick or downright doorstep! We love you 'Toast'... Slathered in butter or margarine, then left for the purists, or adorned with marmalade, honey, jam or Marmite!

 viva  'Toast'... Be strong of crust and mouthwatering of body and texture... we adore you!



  1. Oh my gosh Marian, you got that just right. Toast and real butter for the world!!! Love it. Also love those enormous oysters! Absolutely wonderful to the max. Thank you so much for playing along. :D

  2. Thank you! And thank you - for inviting me to the game! :-)

  3. So simple and pure. Toast and butter are my thing, the oysters...well tht's a different story

  4. toast and butter are great! but I never saw such big oysters!!
    :-) mano

  5. Those oysters shells were a gift to someone I know, a brother on vacation had them shipped over from the Pacific, about forty or fifty years ago... amazing aren't they! :-)

  6. i am in with the toast
    (o yes, with butter! hmmmm)
    but not the clam
    and wauw.... they are huge!

    1. Not sure who ate who with this giant clam! :-)

  7. sea air, oysters and toast, sounds like a little party to me ;)

  8. oh, that makes me hungry
    though i have never had this
    real butter is the only kind to eat

    1. I've started eating butter again recently, apparently its healthier than margarine, 'they' say! :-)

  9. Love the contrast between clam and toast--how creative!

    1. I was fortunate to have the clam as a prop forsure! :-)

  10. Your enthusiasm for toast makes me giggle but I totally get what you're saying! Adding the oysters is brilliant. Have a great week.

  11. Thank you for this Inspiration.

    1. :-) Just answering here now, reading all this Toast talk... Is making me want toast, now! Lol

  12. It's gotta be said:

    Morning all. I'd like to tell you about when I was a young boy. I must have been three or four months old at the time. I didn't really know what I wanted, and if I did, I wouldn't have been able to tell anybody, 'cos all I could do was gurgle. So I sat there in me highchair, thinking one day, looking at me tray and thinking what I'd give for a meal on there. So I started looking round to see what I could have. I was rubbing me eggy soldier in me head, trying to think, and then I looked in the corner and there's a little breadbin with its mouth open, just staring at me, like. And then I looked in and I saw bread.

    I thought, oh yeah, I'll have toast,
    A little piece of toast.

    Well, then I started getting older,
    I hated this, I hated that,
    Expensive state was ludicrous
    And cafés couldn't cater for the finer things in life:
    The upper crust was not for me,
    I could tell that.
    So I'd go back home,
    Switch the kitchen light on,
    Put the grill on,
    Slip a slice under

    And have toast,
    A little piece of toast.

    'Cos there's so much to choose from.
    There's brown bread, white bread,
    All sorts of wholemeal bread;
    It comes in funny packages
    With writing on the side,
    But it doesn't matter which one you have
    'Cos when you cut the crusts off,
    Have it with marmalade
    Or butter, cheese, tomatoes, beans,
    Or chocolate if you're strange,
    It doesn't really matter.

    Oh no, it all goes with toast,
    Just toast.

    I'm gonna think about it some...

    That's toast, mmm yeah,
    Just toast,
    That's toast,
    Just toast.

    Well I go down the supermarket
    With me basket in me hand,
    I'm walking from one counter to another
    Trying to find the bread stall,
    But I can't find it anywhere
    And then I bump into a mother
    With a baby in a basket
    And she says

    "Oh look, you've started him off again,
    I come down here for a little bit of peace and quiet
    To get some bread to go home to make toast,
    Just toast,
    I like toast"
    Yeah, but I don't half like toast.

    OK, scrape that toast, boys.

    That's toast,
    Yeah, just toast.

    I can't think about it any more. I've got to go and have some, it's no good. Here listen, I'm getting a bit browned off standing here. Me too. Shall we go and have some toast? Good idea. Why not? OK. I've got the grill on. Got any brown bread? Yeah! Have you got wholemeal bread? Wheatmeal bread? All sorts of toast. Let's go... (They proceed to make toast, accompanied by various kitchen noises.)

    1. Very, very! Good Dave! What a great song Toast from the... 80's! I think i still have it! The song, not Toast from the 80's! :-) x

  13. well... you got it in one... me here, a serious toast lover too. nice to meet you! n♥

  14. Hi Marian! For me oysters are eaten one way as I can't believe how delicious something can be: BBQ the oysters until the steam inside opens the top. Immediately tear off the top and sprinkle a tsp. or so of vodka right from the bottle onto the oyster and then squirt a lemon slice to splash it with lemon juice. I use the bottom shell to transfer to my mouth and just sort of scrape (with my teeth) the oyster meat out and slurp up the juices in the shell all at once. Served with thick fingers of toasted hearty healthy bread (without butter for me,) I feel this would be heaven. The bread perhaps toasted on the BBQ as well. Oh the daydreaming has begun...! *smiles* Norma

    1. Oh wow! My mouth is now watering!!! And at just gone 11am on a Wednesday at work! Lol Mmmmm lovely! Thank you :-)
