Friday, June 05, 2015

Paris September 2009

Why Paris, why today...
When I was about to leave the house for work day before yesterday, a pink receipt caught my eye at the bottom of the cloth bag I use for my over night shift food, I pulled it out opened it and read it... It was from when mom and I were in Paris back in 2009, dated September 9th 2009 to be exact...

The bag has only been in my possession for six months, used washed emptied a million times... and there is this receipt from when we had coffee opposite the opera house... How the Heck???

I got back to the house yesterday afternoon, and walking past the torch I use in the dark to go up into the garden with Pip, placed as usual handle up on a counter near the back kitchen door... the light coming from it caught my eye, it was on... Only I use it, and I haven't for weeks...

When mom passed away, having to clear her home, a friend and I were sitting in my mom's kitchen talking, when I noticed a flashing light coming from beneath the sink, it was my mom's torch flashing on and off... as it did again a week later from beneath Tonys kitchen sink in the early morning darkness as we were heading off back to Spain, after mom's service... I'd transferred torch and stuff there the week before... and again as before, opened the cupboard and switched the torch on and off, and set it back down, both then and yesterday...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Hi Marian
    I have had lots of similar things happen to me. Even a candle that had never been lit glowing brilliant colours ! I believe as you do xxxxxx Chrissie
