Sunday, August 16, 2015

DC Image

This weeks challenge, after the summer break is Image, and my Image is neither drawn or photographed...

I've done a long 24 hrs shift then out and about, and home late and tired.

'Home'... not feeling it at all now, our belongings in limbo, aka truck headed to Spain... We ate, we watched tv on the smallest of tv's in a big lounge, me floating within a duvet, I was feeling chilly, I think it's the emptiness of it all.

The house is now empty except for kitchen goods, there is a sofa downstairs, and upstairs a bed in one room and wardrobe in our old bedroom, a room a good 16 foot by 12 or more, the largest dressing room in the ferry!! Lol

I keep walking into a room and up towards a piece of furniture no longer there, I must have put my bag on the table all the time, because I really miss that table! And the big wall unit/room divider thingy from IKEA I built, all those areas that were home to so many things!

The house feels very quiet which is strange, it's the quietness one gets when the power is off and the electric isn't running through the house, it usually goes unnoticed, but whirring and buzzing all the time...

... except when Pippa barks and the noice echoes around the whole house!

It kind of feels sad here too, the house is not structurally too great, I think it needed new floors walls windows... kitchen... before we arrived three and half years ago, we have done our best to keep it in one piece, new flooring in the kitchen and paintwork, but it needs a complete reform to be honest, and now we're leaving it I hope the owner does so!

I have also, sadly, taken some of my step dads paintings to auction, the auctioneer doesn't expect them to sell for much, '19th century type art is on the shelf'... I just hope they are seen and bought by someone who will love them as I do, I feel I have abandoned old friends to make it on they're own... a couple of them have been on my walls for nearly thirty years... I forgot to tell the man the biggest painting was originally a canvas painted on by a prisoner of war during WW2... if they scan that they'll get a surprise! My step dad painted a few on purpose like that, to fool the future art world he said!  I feel I have let him down too, but to keep paintings hidden, stacked up, stored...? Why? They should, they need, to be seen, hung, appreciated, and loved by many...

And finally... before I have to include free box of tissues or at least give a warning of melancholy...

Blackberries ripening in the garden, it's soooo nice wandering about and nibbling on garden fruit, foraging amongst the flora and fauna... last few years the brambles have been cut back so much we missed out on the luscious blackberries, but not this year, they are ruining wild as they were before we arrived! Running the hedges on both sides, spilling over the wall down to the house, pink and white blossoms giving way to black berries full of garden flavour... and once the bramble thorns have been removed from wrist and ankle... yum yum!!

So my friend, did you pick up any 'Images' from my writings today? Did any pictures form in your mind... I hope so, it was hard not to place at least one photo on my page...



  1. of course, marian, there's the provocation of images in one's mind, reading your post. because i have not been following the process i can only guess you are moving house, and then with mixed feelings. i hope the place you are moving to will be the safe haven this house has been for you and your family? thank you playing, i added your name, n♥

  2. I could just "see" those blackberry vines and delicious berries, the beautiful white flowers... What a nice image to share!

    1. Thank you, and delicious they are each visit into garden, and now so many trips lol :-)
