Thursday, October 03, 2019


Purloined this photograph above from Google, as it says! The island of Tabarca.. not been on it for twenty years.. but it was so beautiful, half, nearly consisted of houses, a couple of bars and a shop or two. The other half nothing, green and empty.. stunning...

Now on travels, stopped at a Venta on the road headed up.. two coffee's and given a free dog bowl! Can't be bad eh!

Travelled up through sandy arid flatlands, you can see why the old Western movie makers came here..

Above and below photographs are Benidorm, I have passed this way before, but must have either been in the dark or another route, this skyline looks more Atlantic City than Spain!!

Just as we passing down into Malaga initially, we saw a car on was awful, totally engulfed in flames...

Everyone is complaining about mosquitoes, and I too am covered in their bites, apparently it's the female who bites!! She comes to our faces first, maybe that why we hear her buzzing!!!

I am reacting badly to them now, always have, but worse now.. and spraying myself twice a day in anti bug bite spray isn't making any difference at all!

I have become a camper van spotting anorak person! Taking reg numbers of ones we pass.. How long this will last is not yet determined!

Yellow beetle here! Didn't expect that!

Or this locust below! Luckily only one of him and not a biblical plague!


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