Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Phew.. That word is a complete understatement! Just washed my hair then walked the Ribbesford circular footpath.

Took me thirty-five minutes..and I am now feeling like I've done a heavy gym circuit!! In my jeans and t-shirt!!

Lols didn't actually have to go so fast, it was just that I started out pacing it fast, and just kept going, even my cheek bones are sweating!!

And the backs of my hands!?! What's that all about!

I even stopped to talk to two people! A woman who was lost and wanted to know how to get back the way I was going, I signalled to her a couple of times, and she waved back.. but up by the steep incline after the church.. I lost her.. or she lost me!

And something I said to the next person, a youngish man, walking, randomly with a small wrapped bouquet of flowers.. I said the obvious, of course! "Aww thank you, you shouldn't have!" But this was entirely lost on him!! Mmm so much for humour!

And no flowers for me either!

When I'm on placements I quite often get into very deep meaningful conversations..

Like yesterday, when we talked about what's been and gone, and yet to come.. and I said everything that's ever been made or will be made all that it takes to do so is already on this planet of ours.. I guess still waiting to be invented!

And today, we walked along an unused railway line.. now a very usable path for waking or cycling..

We both shouted under a bridge enjoying the echos! Both said how we'd enjoyed just screaming loudly as kids under tunnels and in fields.. All the primal energy to get out!

My supply of chocolate has been renewed and I think I might nap now!!

Need a shower really! Or a bath!!


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