Friday, June 19, 2020

It's Friday, it's raining.. it's ten degrees cooler than last week..

And I have yet another eye infection.. it's only been a month since the last one.. and to be honest that corner is still is very tender .

This is my other eye.. my eye ball, eye socket? I don't know, whichever, began hurting yesterday, now it's worse, and swollen, hurts all around the eye already, up to my eyebrow and down my cheek..

Hurts to blink, hurts open and closed..
I wrote to my doctor's (lifeline), this morning.. she said just keep using the cream.. okie dokie! And warm water bathing.. okie dokie!

That's it!


And sometimes she'll get sad and she'll share it with you
Not for you to cheer her up
Just be quiet and feel it with her
Because sometimes she needs to feel it to let it go
But she doesn't want to feel so alone

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