Saturday, July 04, 2020

I know I'm not, by far, the only person who lives in the past sometimes..

Not all day or all night, not even every day but sometimes, just snippets, when I'm doing something or even reading or watching the TV.. and it's like a flicker book.. I'm back somewhere, and I can see and feel it all.. like it was yesterday.

The thoughts that pop up in this manner are wonderful memories, happy days when the world was the right way up.. and then the ache in the heart comes.. it feels like a real pain.. and my chest tightens and I breathe so shallow.. as I realize once more it's not then.. it's now.. and a memory just surfaced was maybe five or ten years past.. and I'm shattered and my heart is bleeding, again.

I wonder if this happens more and more, not less and less.. I mean I do have more time behind me than I can ever have in front..

Time to make the very best of what's ahead so when I look back at this time.. there'll be good flicker pictures now too.. I'm trying, sometimes it doesn't work.

This post came today courtesy of Resolven market.

As I sat here with my first coffee of the day, reading my book, and I was transported to the Saturday market at Resolven.. thrown back into time, without leaving my seat!


Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist.
Bryant McGill

Posted and editing for a song which just came up on my phone..

Thank you James Blunt perfect song for today..

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