Saturday, July 18, 2020

Read something like this this morning..

A champion is afraid of losing, everyone
else is afraid of winning..

I wonder if I am afraid of being happy again.. I mean.. what if?

Just a thought, I self destruct things in my life, I put barriers where there should be none, I go out of my way to find fault; I don't feel sometimes that I have a right to be happy, not now.

Still lost as to who I am now, that's the thing, so many things to everyone else, as we all are, but who am I to me.

Below a photograph from this morning.. again, still my birthday.

Mmm think I'll save this post for tomorrow.. I might brighten up later!

What do you make of it? This photograph, very strange; answers on a postcard please. Zoom in, it looks weirder still!

By the by.. I'll tell you tomorrow, if I don't forget.


Now it's July 18th.. I had a good day, really, two cards, one from the family here, and one from the lady who came in to give me my two hours break, so sweet of her.

I saw my boys and their families.. albeit videocall.. but it was absolutely wonderful.

And now it's another day, and a few days left and I can go home.


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