Monday, August 10, 2020

Thunder in the Guadalhorce vally

Arhhh... New interface.. this is doing my head in, why can't 'they' leave things alone, nothing wrong with the way it was! Now it's all gone pants! That's the politest way I can put it!

Working on a phone the update of which has made it virtually impossible to use normally, now add this critical change to Blogger..

Blogging should be a pleasure, I love writing, but this is so damn annoying!

The top photograph was sunset here the other night..

And this one above Ardales lake..  of course..

I went up with a neighbor the other morning, it  was so nice.. we chatted and walked around the loop, had coffee and cake, at the kiosk .. a really great morning.

Now I am sat on the terrace to all intents and purposes looking like a sunbather! As the thunder has banged on for two hours.. and now the rain is falling.. 

I am still here, with sunglasses on.. appreciating the coolness.. it's... 30°C as the large rain drops are now cooling the terrace floor..

Wow, it's pouring now.. beautiful cool thirst quenching rain..  it smells so good.. the temptation to stand in it is great! But summer rain can be filthy, sand from the deserts.. and just dusty!! 

Scratched that last sentence.. I have just stood and danced in that beautiful rain.. and now it's passed and the terrace is already nearly dry... The sun out.. wonderful!

It is outstandingly good.



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