Friday, September 25, 2020

This world makes me happy in so many ways I didn't think it ever could again..

But sitting on board a plane with another twenty-five people flying from Malága to Bristol.. this makes me so sad.. the lack of people.. the masks, the eyes all looking just as wary as I expect mine do.. 

The airport usually so full, full of life or hope of holiday makers leaving, of people with arms full of even more gifts .. 

Stores are all closed.. even a few of the eateries.

No long lines to wait in, no nothing really.

Not even a dozen cases loaded into the hold.

I'm in row four.. my free seat.. and two people in front of me.. no one along side me.. and then  the few others behind.. 

Now at my isolation point.. 

Bristol airport was like coming into an apocalyptic dystopian decontamination zone! So few people that lights came on as we entered corridors.. and as it was just me and one other person leading the line.. it was odd.

Only when reaching the security area.. did we see anyone.. and a room usually heaving, where on occasion I have had to lineup in an adjacent area to even reach.. I walked straight through and up to a security guard.. 

Showed passport and papers regarding the quarentine info and done..

My case along with the other nine cases came through on the only conveyor belt in operation.. 

Bus stops all moved.. I guess to keep people away from the arrivals area.. which is cordoned off now, tented off to be exact! 

A long line, and fewer passengers.. as one person to each double seat.. so a bit of a wait there, then on the bus I sat upstairs .. hadn't been on a double decker for five years! Was great! Actually! And I booked my train ticket on my phone.. 

Beautiful evening, amazing clouds and sunset.. 

And bloody freezing cold!

Okay, maybe not freezing, but my hands went numb! And then had to do the tingling and burning thing once they warmed up again!

Settled in now.. eaten and coffee.. 

Tired and missing home.. 

Wishing I were there..



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