Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Some photographs was our walk a couple of days ago.. 

Summer is here in Blighty, 22° at the moment.. Wednesday March 31st..


My mind is flitting today between the here and now, and another moment I'm sat on my day night bed chair in Málaga hospital...

I literally cannot keep my mind from time travelling backwards and forwards.. 

I'm getting a tension headache and my eyes are hurting.. well, my right one, wondering half the time if my new glasses are actually doing anything..

And outwardly.. the world turns..
People are allowed to meet outside and they've gone crazy too many people meeting in too many wide open places.. 

If they're not careful this country will lock down again.. 

Would be okay if the teens to 30's were vaccinated..
Okay I'm done, can't type or see screen easily now.


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