Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Above taken from the flea market down at Calipso so near to where we lived.. 

Strange thoughts this week, one from a conversation talking to someone who is only in their twenties, and how when I was at work up to 19.. even in my mid twenties.. those conversations we have with all those people at work, you know funny things, life things, stories and conversations, 40 years ago.

And although I remember days, odd days, odd moments from work, before I had the children and in my twenties and early thirties.. I don't remember everything,  it's impossible. Those outstanding memories maybe, or even are they just the memory of the memory.. 

I am glad I enjoyed where I worked, Eurocolour,  Clinton's, Mercedes.. good friends, so many strong bonds..

But nowadays, conversations, places I go, things that I do, the memories I'm making now, I'm going to remember really well because I guess.. so little time left really.. even if there is still 30 years... if I'm lucky and well I can't remember from over 40 years ago those things.. and the person I was talking to, I said this conversation now for me I'm going to remember but for you in forty years time you wont and I'll be long gone.

Was a strange thought... But then I do have these strange thoughts don't I!

Today no different, I bought 40 bathroom bin bags because I have run out, yet putting them away I found an unopened packet just the same.. and another 40! A bag lasts me a month! Or more if I decant into the kitchen one.. that's a minimum of 80 months..

We're talking over 6 years!! 

I need to use either more of them a month or get a grip! 

The weird and wonderful thoughts that pass through my mind! Thankfully as I write them down, I can let them go! You on the other hand are left with thinking what the hell is this woman going on about now! Call security!!

Should I even mention a dream I had about my mom? She was sat with me and covered in what looked like down.. (feather down), making her look very pale and ethereal.. with a teeny tiny mouse over one eye! And then three glis glis were chasing eachother.. looked like a family of them.. until they stopped and the big daddy glis glis bit me!

All this with not even a paracetamol or nighttime meal of cheese or whatever else caused weird dreams!



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