Saturday, September 25, 2021


I know this is a strange photograph, just that I wondered where it had come from.. expected the word China.. 

So yes I Googled... There are 195 or 197? Different countries in the world and I for one cannot name them all.. by far.. 

So this was the answer for *Chian

  1. relating to or characteristic of the Greek island of Chios or its inhabitants.
    "a Chian merchant"
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of the Greek island of Chios.
    "the Chians arrived in Sparta"
  2. 2.
    a variety of red wine from the Greek island of Chios that was considered valuable in antiquity.
    "Anacreon drank Chian with Helas's sages"

I still think it's just a spelling error though..

My last full day here in Blighty and home tomorrow... Been beautiful week here and a little rain at home.. 

I have a list to complete, and important things to do, times ticking and every day is so important.. a poster Tony and Addie have says.. "Live Slow"

I think I should have that on my chalk wall at home.. we're all so busy moving fast, the days turn into weeks into months and years.

How often we say things like that movie is thirty years old.. or I read that book forty years ago.. how often we sound like our parents and in time grandparents.. We are just blips on this planet, making a life, changing the life of others if we can for the good... Others tearing us apart.. 

We want to feel we are all doing this life for some reason, maybe at the end of days we'll know why, maybe we won't, whatever our beliefs if we're right we'll know.. or not.

So tomorrow back home, and I must do better and getting things done that need doing!


The secret to life is meaningless unless you discover it yourself.

W. Somerset Maugham - 1874-1965 - Novelist-Short-Story Writer-English Playwright

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