Tuesday, September 27, 2022

And summer becomes Christmas!

Driving to work this morning there is a police car on the outskirts of town, and so everybody is obviously cautious and you think this probably proceeds a police stop at a roundabout one of the many that's around our town, and yes low and behold there is a police stop vehicle there and that makes us all aware that probably the whole journey down there will be police cars waiting.

And although I'm sure the vast majority of us leaving town like me are not doing anything wrong, have never done anything wrong, and are unlikely to do anything wrong! it still makes you feel like you are running the gauntlet, and it's so funny I mean the majority of cars behind me normally are held back by my speed because they want to do 80 or 90 in a 60 and I'm trying to keep my speed down and therefore anger everybody behind me, and it's funny to see them all having to tow the line when it's not me responsible for once!

This last quote I saw probably on Facebook..

I love this ..


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