Saturday, September 03, 2022

Thoughts from just before landing on Sunday morning.. 

A beautiful uneven patchwork blanket of fields divided by hedgerows and trees of so many variations.. filled by nature's ever changing colors

Colors changed by seasons and also from dawn to dusk and all the time between.. 

And I must find the photographs I took ages ago when in the air.. did I post them I wonder? I was randomly looking at maps and it still showed my progress.. even though my phone on flight mode.. 

Ducks.. eating from my hand and pidgeons a little moor pecky and sharp beaked! The ducks bills although not pointy very hard and insistent to get the grains of food.. leaving a very funny feeling on the palm!

Never done that before.. something new and strange ..

Above from the Nottingham Arboretum

Above, the stepping stones and a bench at the park at Highfields.. walk around the lake and woods, an over the stepping stones.. 

I was focused on the Lions head when I noticed the shield bug beneath.. it's amazing how much life goes on where we're not looking..

Ice cream in Yumi's on Thursday afternoon after we'd rested a little!

And before leaving Nottingham we had breakfast in M&S before leaving for the train station.. a very nice bacon roll!!

Now at Tony's.. 



You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are

Eckhart Tolle

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