Saturday, June 17, 2023

Absolutely wonderful amazing and fantastic! Robbie Williams concert Thursday June the 15th.. at the Marenostrum Castle Park in Fuengirola.. 

The cab dropped us off by the entrance but we had to walk all the way around the whole park to actually gain access.. I guess a safety measure .. they didn't want 15,000 people hanging around by the main road.. 

We saw a few people we knew, and as my Facebook tells me the day after feels like dozens of people I know we're there! 

I maybe was among the few wearing heels! After a day on my feet in work in Sketchers! I turned to boots for the concert, to stand for five hours on a grassy bank! 

Check out the guy over the sea here to the right of the top corner of the stadium.. 

A wonderful evening, making memories.. 

I have my customary concert beaker as a keepsake, and lost the click-on sunglasses from my glasses!! 

We were so lucky, talking to friends as we came out, we got a lift with them in their cab! Or I think it could have been several more hours before we got home!! 

I stayed with my friend from work, thank you chica so very very much, it's all about the memories now, can't anything with us but those...

We saw two others from work and spent some time with them before we moved over to the bank area.. it took them an hour to walk home! 

Now time to post! 

Off to get some sun again this morning, La Cala here I come..well, in a couple of hours it's not 8am yet! I need some cooler air, it was 40° on my terrace last evening when I hung the washing out, for an hour! A holiday neighbor was laying out cooking! 

Now, a bit more Doctor Who and a poem from the last episode.. 

'In bed above, we're deep asleep.

While greater love lies further deep.

This dream must end, this world must know.

We all depend on the beast below'


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