Thursday, June 08, 2023


Just talking to school friends.. like it was yesterday.. 

I think one of the biggest surprises over the years has been the coincidences... Been so many in my life, people places connections.. deja vu moments.. 

Someone said..

Why does it take so long though to realise how short life is?!? 

So true, one of life's lessons we were not taught...

Just like "why didn't we know then, what we know now?"....

Ive been watching Doctor Who, just started the other day, and box set watching! I was watching an episode the other day, there were Cyber men, and a sphere.. and it opened revealing a Dalek!!  I shouted out it's a Dalek!!  Like a small excited child who'd just seen her favorite toy!! So funny! Or maybe you had to be there! 

So today in the shop a Canadian man came in and we were talking about the disastrous life changing fires in Canada stretching from coast to coast.. 

He left and then I started talking to another customer a woman, it was about 10-15 minutes later and she was Canadian, a French Canadian, she and her husband have just moved to Calahonda and she spent some time growing up in Oxford and her and I had quite an interesting conversation.. she was nothing to do with previous Canadian I add.

And then a lady came up to the counter another 10-15 minutes later, and she said that she had had kept yoghurts for as long as she had guinea pigs and I said your yogurts would have had just as much fur as the guinea pigs.. Then she said that she had had an egg for 4 years in her refrigerator and she called it Ludwig... One day visitors got up early and cooked her breakfast, they said she had an egg they'd thrown away.. it was off!! It was Ludwig!! 

The last paragraph came up because we were talking about out-of-date products.. and the awful waste..

And lastly on this rather haphazard Blog!

All any of us have is now.. right now.. and only now, the present.. thinking of the future is sometimes as painful as reminiscing about the past.. 

We just have to try to be positive.. every day, if we can..


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