Monday, September 04, 2023

From Instagram this morning

'If you only knew what little time you have, you would not waste it living half lives. Go live the richest life with your soul mate, get there fast, you are burning daylight. Life is too short to be luke warm about anything'

Well, after that last paragraph I recon I have thirty years left! 

So should get a move on with living my life.. no more wasting time, no more thinking of doing something and putting it off.. 

I can procrastinate, but not over important things.. forever trying to get rid of stuff, decluttering, not that there's any obvious mess... but I feel it, things need to be cleared out of the house, or my head?

I have a long list of places I want to visit, not even that far away.. maybe I should start ticking them off my list.. visit and ✓

I do put off calling people, and that has to change, because we can't call some people when it's too late.

Wonder why we put off life? Living? This is our time, so many people don't get our chances, and time runs out..

Sometimes we don't make the most of them, we don't take the happiness because of fear maybe?

I have things I want to do!

This Blog has taken a turn for worse and I don't want that! I am actually very happy!! 

A lot of good things in my life.. 

Although I am getting fed up with these night terrors, if it's my breathing? maybe it's just the change of season? 

But I'm waking up scared and my heart's banging out of my chest! Had loads in my 30's... The odd ones here and there, maybe twice a year.. but now four in the last month? 

I'm not a great sleeper and now worrying about these doesn't help.. 

We had rain! It's brought the temperatures down nicely, I was actually cold last night in bed! It's 27° out there, beautiful temperature.. no fans on, no sweat pouring from an invisible tap above my head! Or anyone else's! 


"If you trust, you will be disappointed occasionally, but if you mistrust, you will be miserable all the time"

Abraham Lincoln 

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