Thursday, November 30, 2023

A neighbor just stopped to chat with me, his wife and him live around the corner, Franco always spoke with them, and helped with things... Lovely local couple.

It's so lovely when someone speaks to me about Franco, who knew him, who said what a good man he was, kind, generous, thoughtful.. after over six years still talks with sadness at his dying so young.

To be remembered as a good person truly shows their worth in this world .. 

Maybe it is all we should aim for, for not everyone will be remembered for being a good and decent person.

So now I sit a bit tearful... 

Back to work and mostly all good, bit of a cough still hanging on, sore throat is back this morning, and bit tired, but then aren't I always a bit tired!

A man last week painting the side of this apartment near the Cruz...  on the side this morning..

Doing a great job, and all on his own..

I put my Christmas tree up Tuesday afternoon.. bit early for me, as last few years have either not put one up at all, or left it till Christmas Eve! Got the new tree last December, late, and only lights, so Tuesday bought some beautiful baubles, they look just like bubbles, clear.. and the only other stuff is the old add ons I've been putting out for decades...

We don't feel old, or feel time passing, usually? But it's when you realize you have things for decades, just like mom did, you feel it more.

And this year, above all others so far seems to have passed in a blink of an eye ..

A friend I've known since I was... 13? Said he thinks of it like a rope on a pole, that the circles are slow and wide, but as time goes on the circles get smaller and faster..

Not sure I like that thought, it's good, and certainly feels the truth of it...

Wonder if there's any chance of letting go of the rope and spinning off to find a longer rope? 

Or, actually, now I've said that... I think I know what happens.. when we let go before the end;


"The key to happiness is doing what you love, with those you love"

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